The Great Debate

Blessed and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord! They will be the people he has chosen for his own. The Lord looks over us from where he rules in heaven. Gazing into every heart from his lofty dwelling place, he observes all the peoples of the earth. The Creator of our hearts considers and examines everything we do. The Lord looks over us from where he rules in heaven. Gazing into every heart from his lofty dwelling place, he observes all the peoples of the earth. The Creator of our hearts considers and examines everything we do. The Lord looks over us from where he rules in heaven. Gazing into every heart from his lofty dwelling place, he observes all the peoples of the earth. The Creator of our hearts considers and examines everything we do.Psalms 33:12-13

Whose Nation?

God overlooked as two finite men debated last night about our nation, about the state of our nation and how they could make it better, and my stomach was sick. Whose nation is it? It is God’s Nation! I confess, I didn’t watch all of it, just parts of it, but that was enough for me as I had already come to a realization that finite is not a fixer. Yes, after that debate of finite men, it is  completely obvious that the name that we need as a nation, as a world, is the name and the person of Jesus Christ, and I know without a doubt, that if we all seek HIS Kingdom first, everything else will fall into place, even the establishment of godly leadership to the place where it won’t even be debated, the choice will be obvious! The David of God’s choosing and anointing always comes forth in perfect timing. 

Jesus Christ – Hear From Him First

The great debate begins and ends with Jesus Christ. So, the point of this finite debate was a golf ball and the longest yardage? Jesus Christ holds the record for Infinite gain! Jesus is the only ONE Who can make a hole in one on this course that we find ourselves on. The two men debating in the great debate, do not have the answers we need, nor are they the solution. Whose Nation Is It? It belongs to God. If those men belong to God, then we have a chance of being led by God, if they don’t, it will be more of the same in a worser way. We make every choice we make not based on a great debate of finite human beings, but based on the hearing from our God.

Even if a king had the best-equipped army, it would never be enough to save him. Even if the best warrior went to battle, he could not be saved simply by his strength alone. Human strength and the weapons of man are false hopes for victory; they may seem mighty, but they will always disappoint. Psalms 33:16-17

Without God We Are Not Good

Without Jesus, we cannot fix what mankind has broken through a human condition out of control. What an incredible corruptive  thing the lust of illegitimate power is, it runs amuck with a sick morality where pleasure feeds on the innocence of children. Illegitimate human authority making mandatory choices for each other that are way outside of the human lane of decision, that strips the God given freedom from others, mandates that belong to a Sovereign, Infinite God, not a finite human being who does not have the ability to yield such power in a just way. 

Corrupted Human Condition

Our human condition is completely corrupting what is the established Justice of God, and using it for personal gain, pursing political power and titles, that no human being, without God directing them, are able to carry out without absolute power corrupting absolutely. We human beings have foolishly stepped into God’s lane in this life race and we human beings have failed to finish strong and well, and the only fixer of the mess we have made, is Almighty God. In God We Trust.

We look away from the natural realm and we focus our attention and expectation onto Jesus who birthed faith within us and who leads us forward into faith’s perfection. His example is this: Because his heart was focused on the joy of knowing that you would be his, he endured the agony of the cross and conquered its humiliation, and now sits exalted at the right hand of the throne of God! Hebrews 12:2

Look Up

Our societies are failing under the weight of a corrupted human condition, and returning our hearts and our lives back to God is the only way forward to our real future, which is not here. Our focus is way off. Our children in every nation are suffering because of our adulting with finite foolishness! All of us are accountable for the stealing of the innocence of our children and the pain they have endured! Look up! All throughout history mankind has strayed from God, corrupted our societies and cultures with the deplorable actions of the human condition out of control, today, we are they. We look back at history and we see ourselves now in the mirror of their finite failure of living life without God, this is us. 

A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect —life in its fullness until you overflow! I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice for the sheep. John 10:10-11

The History Of Good And Evil

Throughout history, mankind has battled with good and evil. The enemy of our soul tempting us with fleshly desires that are costly and temporary in gains, because this enemy of our  God, has only temporary to offer us, he has already lost the great debate of this world. Mankind has always turned back to God, because the enemy of our soul, kills, steals and destroys us, but God gives us forever life, permanence, something our enemy can’t give us, and never will be able to do. Our enemy is a defeated foe and eventually our foolishness will see this fact, but the in-between time, our children have always suffered at the hands of our foolish rebellion, as we bought into the lie of our enemy. The great debate for our soul is between God and our enemy, good and evil. 

And have you forgotten his encouraging words spoken to you as his children? He said, “My child, don’t underestimate the value of the discipline and training of the Lord God, or get depressed when he has to correct you. For the Lord’s training of your life is the evidence of his faithful love. And when he draws you to himself, it proves you are his delightful child.” Fully embrace God’s correction as part of your training, for he is doing what any loving father does for his children. For who has ever heard of a child who never had to be corrected? Hebrews 12:5-7

Truth Stands The Test Of Time

As we come to our senses, as God’s truth stands the test of our human foolishness, human beings have always come back to the reality of truth, shedding our fake reality, we always have come back to what is true, Jesus Christ, and He has embrace us with forgiveness and mercy and helped us to correct our course, and stood with us as we bear the consequences of our foolishness, and navigated us, helping us make our crooked places straight, and rebuild our lives lives on His way, truth and life. God will make that course correction for our nation and other nations and He will do it in His way.

Meekness Under Control

The only person who ever walked this earth in the purity of righteousness, truth and justice, is Jesus Christ, our Savior, Redeemer and our Lord. He loved us like we had never hurt Him or betrayed Him, and went to the cross for us. Falsely accused and condemned by illegitimate authority, and corrupted human justice, Jesus went to the cross, our King of Heaven, humbly suffered, in meekness, His power under the Sovereign control of the Will of Almighty God, so we might be saved from our human condition. Jesus, our Savior ushered in the greatest transformation ever known to mankind, death to life as He defeated the enemy of our soul, He defeated death with a final blow! Jesus delivered us from the power of evil, and had the final say on the debate stage by the way of the cross of Calvary. 

Yield To God’s Will

It is  through Jesus, and through His righteousness, that we have a future and a hope in His kingdom. There is no hope for America or any nation to survive outside of Jesus Christ, and His way, truth and life. There is no man who can save us, only Jesus. Return to God Americans, put Your Hope in Him and He will lead us, navigating us forward step by step in followship of Him. You can’t depend on a finite man to do what only God can do. Yield to God’s Will for this nation, and He will work everything out according to His Will for The United States of America. 

Established In God’s Strength

For every nation in this universe, Jesus is our way forward, He is trustworthy, faithful and true, and we can look at Cross of Calvary and know, He is and has been all in for us, for our good, for the glory of His kingdom from generation to generation, Jesus, He has never failed us or forsaken us. Jesus Christ is the only man whoever walked on this earth that has kept his promises, and  has  stuck with us in all of our finite foolishness, ready to forgive, and give us a new day in Him. No matter how much evil forms against us,  it cannot prosper. The evil schemes and plans of the enemy of our soul cannot take away our future and our hope in Jesus Christ,  because He has established our future in strength, and  He has established us in His strength, and His truth is the only truth that will prevail until the end, and Jesus will have the final say over evil. God wins!>

For God’s Word is something to sing about! He is true to his promises, his word can be trusted, and everything he does is reliable and right. The Lord loves seeing justice on the earth. Anywhere and everywhere you can find his faithful, unfailing love! Psalms 33:4-5

Who Do You Serve

How foolish it is when we debate with one another, finite human beings, making promises that can’t be kept without the power and authority of Jesus Christ. Finite humans can argue over each other’s records, embellish the truth, make promises they can’t keep, out and out lie about things they may or may have not done, and they can condemn each other in front of the world, and call each other out for their human condition, what is the point of it all? We are all suffering from the same human condition, yet without Jesus Christ, being the Lord and Savior of our lives, we serve no power higher than self, and can do absolutely nothing to fix this nation. All finite men, outside of the authority of God can offer us is an illegitimate authority, empty promises, and a torch light that will eventually flame out and leave us in the dark. Jesus Christ is the light of the world and no one and nothing can extinguish His light of truth. We must get back to the FIRST Love of Jesus Christ and let Him Work through us for our nation. The great debate settled nothing because the enemy of our soul presents his debate and it becomes a fake reality fight between what is real, what is unreal. Without Christ at the center, the great debate of life is a waste of words. The only true Words are His. Know His Word!

Our First Allegiance

Jesus Christ, the King of Heaven, He came here to us, and fulfilled every promise, as a servant warrior, He put us first, made a way for us, where there was no future. He lived a sinless life here on earth and died the death we deserved, so we could live the life He purchased for us. Our first allegiance is to Jesus, He is our Way-Maker, Fixer, Savior, Deliverer, Truth, Justice, Hope, Future And Forever Peace. Jesus is our cultural chaos buster, give Your heart completely to Him, and serve His Kingdom first and everything else in your corner of the world, where you are purposefully placed by God, it all will fall into place as He orchestrates His will. >

And everything I’ve taught you is so that the peace which is in me will be in you and will give you great confidence as you rest in me. For in this unbelieving world you will experience trouble and sorrows, but you must be courageous, for I have conquered the world! John 16:33>

The Solution Is NOT Finite

Jesus is our overcomer. He never promised us a smooth ride on this earth, He said it would be bumpy, but He did say, He would be with us, never leaving us from here to there unto forever. Stop trying to choose between finite flesh and give Your life to Jesus Christ first.  Jesus has already chosen the way for America, and He will lead us step by step into our destiny as a nation and a world. He created our nation and our world, and will maintain it and bring about His will, His way, His Justice, His Liberty, His Freedom, His plan in that way we could never even begin to imagine or even hope for. Do not cling to hope in a human being, cling to God, dig your life roots deeply in Him and His Kingdom and be navigated step by step by His Holy Spirit, Who is miraculously in control of the unfolding of each of our days. Remember, the solution is not finite, it is Infinite, it is not temporary, it is eternal, it is the truth and life of Jesus Christ. Know God – Seek God and humbly walk with Your God from every moment into every choice, be all in with Jesus. Yield To God’s Way-Truth-Life. I. E.mbrace L.ordship D.aily!

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe. We hope your soul was nourished by the spiritual meal on the Smorgasbord Table today. Make sure you take some time to leave a comment and let us know how you were fed spiritually by this meal today. We hope you also take some time to subscribe to our Website and to our Rumble Channel: God bless you Much, KimberlyMac Author

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