Psalm 139:23-24 Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am. Put me to the test and watch how I handle the strain. Examine me to see if there is an evil bone in me, and guide me down Your path forever. The Voice
Sitting at DMV because someone broke into our truck and stole my wallet. Praying for them as I wait. I pray to use this time wisely and honorably. KimberlyMac
Purposefully So
There are those times when everything seems to go in the wrong direction. I have had one of those weeks and this scripture really stuck in my soul as I read it right after so many things in my life had gone lopsided for a few days and spiraled off into crooked heart places. Bad situations do end in a personal discovery of where our heart is positioned.
God Digs Deep
After walking with the Lord for a long time and growing through many God Adventures with Him, I have experienced the fact that we do have many trials as Christians and they are never void of God purpose. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 34:19 because it speaks right to the way my thoughts are going today. We do have many challenges in this life, but we also do have a God Who is more than ready, willing and able to dig deeply into our hearts and make crooked places straight in our lives. Our God is Awe-God awesome at taking the trials in our lives and delivering us out of them in a way that hugely benefits us and advances the glory for His Kingdom.

Psalm 34:19 Hard times may well be the plight of the righteous— they may often seem overwhelmed—but the Eternal rescues the righteous from what oppresses them. Voice
Doubting God Is A Short Sale
Our God can walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. Just a thought put in our cultural ambiance. We highly underestimate the power, authority and ability of our God. I believe we and sell our Almighty God short on what He is able to do and how He can do it miraculously, incredibly so, in that way which we can’t even wrap our finite minds around it. I believe after dealing with a few difficult things this week that I need to put more of my expectations in my incredible Awe-God, fleshing out doubt and increasing faith and trust.
Put To The God Test
God does uses situations to explore our heart and highlight things in our heart which need to be changed up to a better mirror of His Image. God tests our heart and we clearly see how we react to a downward situational spiral. Our human condition reacts and the issues of our heart are clearly seen. I realized the disappointment I had from being stolen from, led to a cynical attitude about this world and changed up what I was speaking with an sarcastic bitter edge. God tested me with my situations. Why? God wanted to change something up in my heart that could trip me up in a bigger way later. God does go before us purposefully so and knows what is ahead for us and prepares us to win.

God Fleshes Us Out
Obligation is something I needed to weed out of my expectations. Jesus did not save me out of obligation, He saved me out of love. God is not obligated to keep bad things from happening, His love is not obligatory, it is unconditional, sacrificial choice. In doing this, in fleshing out my heart expectation from obligation, I could love God with a pure love and not be hindered from being wholly-holy His. No conditions, especially obligation. God is not obligated to me, I am indebted to Him. Jesus came to us, to save us, not out of obligation, but out of love. This truth continues to affect me and it is something I will never get over. God flip-flopped the obligation lie to the truth of the purpose of His sacrificial love for me. The Truth is: God was not going to keep me from suffering here, but was giving me a future and a hope in Jesus. Through this test, I realized that any downward spiraling of a situation, God was not obligated to take me out of it, His Infinite love would grow me through it. His Sovereign Will is never far from His Infinite love, the two go hand in hand. Jesus is the bridge between my finite reaction and my response. Connected to God my responses are always, Infinitely infused by God’s power not my will.
God Guides Us
God guides us down the right path and sometimes uses a downward spiral of our life path to do so. God is changing up my heart intentions in the Light of His character, His actions toward me and His living truth, so in every situation I will not be self-focused, but will replicate the sacrificial love of Jesus, that so amazingly represents Who He is. My challenges may not be about the challenge itself, but may totally be about a purposeful God using all things for my good. We are never abandoned by our God, He stays with us, He stays for us in all things and guides us from every moment to every choice.

God Watches Our Reactions
My wallet was stolen out of our truck the other day. They actually badly damaged the lock on our truck and me in my naivete thought a locked car was safe. I can see now that nothing is really secure in this world where lawlessness has a grip on the human condition like no other. It saddens me to a point of prayer that hopes for a revival of relationship with God, His way, truth and life. My reaction was sadness and cynical hopelessness in our world. Yet as I have connected with God heart to Heart and walked through this situation with Him, hearing His heart passion about it, I am raising my expectations for God to revive us in the United States of America in that way that I can’t even begin to hope for or imagine. Jesus, let it be so. Revive, Renew Restore the United States of America, return us back to You and Your way, truth and life. We can lose everything we own in this life, but the one irreplaceable thing we have is God’s Love. I pray God restores in us the desire for a love such as this.
Purposeful Patience
I was so restless as I sat at the Division of Motor Vehicles for two and a half hours because I could not drive without a driver’s license, because I had no choice but to “patiently” wait in line. I could feel my bad attitude begin to rise from my heart to my body language and cynical observation as I waited. Sitting there, I knew that I had a choice, an attitude choice to make that would determine how I used that time. Would I use that time attending the enemies pity party or would I turn away from my worldly viewpoint, fully face God and embrace His Kingdom Perspective?
It has been a totally disappointing bummer kind of day, BUT I smile thinking up. KimberlyMac Facebook Status

Focus Up
I decided not to think out of my worldly viewpoint, which is to think downward. I made a choice to “think up”. We can focus on our struggles here or we can focus upward on the real reason we have to be joyful and that is our future with God. We can think up in times that our situations spiral downward. One of the ways that I “think up” is by rehearsing the promises of God. The Word of God is living and powerful, and the promises of God are able to shift our attitude that is flowing with the downward situation we are facing to an upward hope in God’s divine intervention. God’s love chooses us first in that Providential Care kind of way of His where He purposefully creates goodness and God glory out of each of our life struggles and this truly defines His love for us. Therefore, I choose to focus up.
Emotionally Trapped
A lot of inconvenience came from people stealing my wallet from me. I felt really violated but quickly realized if I did not get off of the focus of all things me, that I would fall into a trap set by my enemy called “Offense”. Chasing my feelings always seems to dead end in the trap of offense, which is not God focused but self-centered. The thief used my credit cards, they stole my money, they stole my gift cards, they stole my stamps I just bought, they got my favorite lip stick, they took my wallet which I loved, they damaged the lock on my car, they took my drivers license and the list could go on, all things me, mine.
Thinking Up
In thinking up, I realized I owned nothing that did not belong to God. They stole from Him, not me. All of it was His provision to me and there was none of it that He could not replace or make a way to fix. He is a Way-Maker God. It is all about Him, but not in that selfish human condition kind of way. God will fight for us as we look up, think up and live up. I love this about God, that He takes me as I am and He grows me through. I know He is the “Only One” Who won’t quit on me. I know without a doubt that He will finish what He started in me. I can’t tell you how much hope this gives me. I am worth fighting for and I realized that as the truth of Jesus coming to us, here on this earth, seeded deeply in my soul. I also realized that He is a God of justice and He does set all things right because His command, His authority is more than this side of heaven, it extends to everywhere, here, there and unto forever.
God’s Flip-Flop Effect
It was so cool that in thinking up, I took my eyes off of all things me and mine and deeply experienced the powerful flip-flop effect God has when you connect to Him in all the situations of life. God can make crooked places straight. What do I mean by that? Well I realized that God was actually exploring my heart, to see how I would respond. I grappled with the issues of my heart and realized that I could respond Godly, I could change things up by thinking up. I made a choice in that moment to not advance my downward spiral through my bad attitude with a reciprocal bad action. I chose followship of Jesus instead of the foolishness of chasing after human emotions. Flip-Flop From Foolishness To Followship.

Change It Up
In the Light of God’s strength and love, thinking up is a very cool option and it puts God first in every situation we face. I believe that God can change things up in us and in all those involved in a bad situation. I believe that my choice to pray for those who stole from me, will result in their Salvation. God can take a bad situation aimed by the enemy for a downward crooked spiral and change it up from crooked to straight. God can explore our hearts, change them up and exchange evil intentions for good results. I love that about our God, He equips us to fight the good fight of faith and He never quits on us, He finishes what He started in us, making us servant warriors for God. I am so grateful to our Awe-GOD for the “growing through” of yesterday and for today, which is a brand new God Adventure.
Thoughts come and go, but when the Holy Spirit speaks, they are highlighted by our human senses and they are the beginning of a transformation of our soul, that paints a God characteristic on our spirit that remains forever. Pay attention to the bites of God Thoughts that come in your Miraculous Musings with God, they are simply-significantly purposeful. I hope you are forever changed by this little bite of God revelation that is now more than Just A Thought to your heart by the power of the Holy Spirit. Check out more of The Bridegroom’s Cafe and be blessed by AWE-GOD….MUCH! I also highly suggest you purchase a copy of my book “The Bridegroom’s Voice” a book that will prepare you to endure and bring God great glory and honor during times such as these. KimberlyMac