The scribes and Pharisees were filled with senseless rage [and lacked spiritual insight], and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus. 12 Now at this time Jesus went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. Luke 6:11-12 Amplified Bible
Devilish Distractions Steals Our Focus From God
There is so much soul distraction in times such as these. The air is thick with deception, anger and bitterness, making it hard to clearly see, to navigate through these times wisely. When I find myself stumbling in the darkness where the mediatic false frenzy is bullying my soul, it is time for a time out. Less of the flesh, less of the worldly viewpoint and more of God, His way, His truth and His life. Time out! Time out from this mediatic false frenzy, this lawlessness, this hurtful mob mentality, that wounds the soul like no other, and knocks us off the course of our mission. Time out! Wholly-holy realign with our God’s Kingdom Perspective, with His heart mission. Time out!
The next morning, Jesus got up long before daylight, left the house while it was dark, and made his way to a secluded place to give himself to prayer. 36 Later, Simon and his friends searched for him, 37 and when they finally tracked him down, they told him, “Everyone is looking for you—they want you!” 38 Jesus replied, “We have to go on to the surrounding villages so that I can give my message to the people there, for that is my mission.” Mark 1:35-38 The Passion Translation
Flip-Flopped Morality
Social Media with all of its disinformation is a huge distraction for us in these times. How do we know what is right? How do we know what is deceptive manipulation, fake news, false narratives or tainted opinions? When we take in too many false narratives, this is when it becomes dangerous for us, because we begin to have a mind set that is built upon a fake reality. Even the fact checkers are now biased by a right or left opinion, instead of what is true. What is right is said to be wrong and what is wrong is said to be right. You can’t trust anything or anyone to be a source of truth. How do you navigate through so much deceit coming from a fake reality, believed to be true by so many deceived people? How do you navigate the soul wounding from the horrific effect of lawlessness in times such as these? Time out! Sit silently in God’s Presence, submitting to Him, yeilding to Him. Time Out!
Isaiah 5:20 Their moral code is reversed as sin is accepted as something good. Not content to abandon what is good, they must label it as evil. Those who abandon the absolute standards of God’s Word will find a reversal of every true virtue. Good is mocked and evil is embraced. Light is ridiculed and darkness is worn like a cloak. The sweetness of God is called bitter; the bitterness of sin is called sweet. The Passion Translation Commentary
Time Out ~ Jesus Had Them ~ So Now, In Followship Of Him I Go In Times Such As These.
Jesus withdrew to the wilderness and fully faced God, so many times He did this, left this as an example to us. He knew we would need that heart to heart, distraction free time with Him, so when He spoke, our hearts, minds, souls, spirits would hear clearly from Him. Free from personal opinionated bias, we can clearly hear His Voice and be intentionally kingdom cultured for a time such as this one. When a mob mentality is bullying us with false accusations, physical infractions, and emotional beatings, this is the time to withdraw and fully face God, getting responsive navigational wisdom directly from His Voice. There are so many loud angry voices, so many people who think they know what they truly don’t know, what they can’t know. God knows. We don’t know. We don’t know what we think we know. Time Out! Listen up. Look up. See God. Know God. Hear God. Time Out With God And God’s Voice Alone. Time Out!
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part [for our knowledge is fragmentary and incomplete]. 10 But when that which is complete and perfect comes, that which is incomplete and partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. 12 For now [in this time of imperfection] we see in a mirror dimly [a blurred reflection, a riddle, an enigma], but then [when the time of perfection comes we will see reality] face to face. Now I know in part [just in fragments], but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known [by God]. 1 Corinthians 13:9-12
Deny-Accuse Mediatic False Frenzy
False accusation, twisted up with the evil tactic of deny-accuse is wreaking havoc with our mind. These deceptive times, are so exhausting and create a soul tiredness like no other. People who are doing the exact thing that they are falsely accusing others of doing. Deny-Accuse, such a dirty way, an ugly deception that is in play in times such as these by the enemy of our soul. It is spiritually exhausting to the soul, as we find ourselves in times such as these, surrounded by a spirit of false accusation, bullying our souls, with it’s nonsense that is completely void of common sense and the reality of truth. Open your heart wide to God, His way, truth and life. Time Out Needed! Time Out With God! Time Out!
Jesus is the one who will remain with his flock and keep his sheep living in peace and safety. His teaching (voice) will guard us from the unreliable teachers who want to steal our hearts and bind us to themselves. They steal and rob the affection that belongs only to Jesus, our kind shepherd. John 10:9-11 The Passion Commentary
Saturate Your Soul With God’s Voice
Time out! Fully Face God, let go of what you think you know and listen up, to His Voice alone. Clear all the other voices out of your ears, take a break from social media, news, all of the mediatic false frenzy of the enemy and listen up to God. This is how we connect to the reality of truth, God’s way, God’s voice and God’s direction. Saturate our souls in all things Kingdom, praying in the spirit, worshipping heart to heart and soul saturation of God’s Word is a good prescription for cleansing our mind and soul of mediatic false frenzy. Jesus will shape our mind with His truth. Listen Up! Time Out!
Common Sense Is Sacrificed To Deceptive Evils
Time out! Peace be still! This life is a whirlwind, we don’t have the God wisdom to navigate away from these evil tornados. Our culture has spun up an incredible tornado of lies, an evil deceptional spin that is pulling us all into its whirlwind, wringing out our soul and spitting us out wounded. In times such as these the mediatic false frenzy is wreaking havoc with our identity in Christ. Common sense is taking a beating from this counter cultural spin, this mediatic false frenzy has whipped up a whirlwind of cancel culture fury which has soul wounded us. Imagine a culture that wants to cancel God? This is the culture we find whirling all around us in our daily living. I am a taking a necessary “Time Out” to be intentionally kingdom cultured for a time such as this. I am shutting out all the clamor of this world and fully facing God, listening up to Him Alone. Time Out! Jesus write my life story, write Your navigation for times such as these on my heart. I will stay spirit to spirit with You, Father God, lead me, navigate me by Your Holy Spirit. I am listening up, pen in hand, ready to be taught, waiting to be shaped, molded, intentionally kingdom cultured for a time such as this!
How greatly to be envied are those you have chosen to come and live with you within the holy tabernacle courts! What joys await us among all the good things there. 5 With dread deeds and awesome power you will defend us from our enemies,[ O God who saves us. You are the only hope of all mankind throughout the world and far away upon the sea. 6 He formed the mountains by his mighty strength. 7 He quiets the raging oceans and all the world’s clamor. 8 In the farthest corners of the earth the glorious acts of God shall startle everyone. The dawn and sunset shout for joy! 9 He waters the earth to make it fertile. The rivers of God will not run dry! He prepares the earth for his people and sends them rich harvests of grain. 10 He waters the furrows with abundant rain. Showers soften the earth, melting the clods and causing seeds to sprout across the land. 11-12 Then he crowns it all with green, lush pastures in the wilderness; hillsides blossom with joy. God has promised me and Advocate, I believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, in me. So I know a “time out” is needed. I need to learn how to side step the tornadoes, these mediatic false frenzy spins of deception that suddenly arise in my path, to be navigated by God’s Voice in chaotic times such as these. Psalm 65:4-12 Living Bible
Take A Time Out With God
I am taking a “time out” for as long as God says, I have no plan, but He does. I don’t know how long. I don’t know what we will be doing. I know nothing, but He does. I will follow after Him. I love followship. I know without a doubt, that God will cleanse my soul, strengthen my spirit and give me the wisdom of how to stand safely outside these temporary whirlwinds of the enemy of my soul, to stand firmly on the side of truth, until these false narratives spin out. This is kingdom wisdom; I desperately need in times such as these. I need the navigation of the Holy Spirit to rise higher than the clamor of this worldly viewpoint that I find in my face every day through lawlessness, anger and violence. I desperately need to be intentionally kingdom cultured by Almighty God. My mind is overwhelmed with the sight of these mediatic false frenzy tornadoes and as I chase after them through social media, wanting to be in the know, the emotional devastation has taken its toll on my soul. Time Out for a Kingdom Perspective! Refocus! TimeOut With Jesus! TimeOut!
“I have told you these things while I am still with you. 26 But the [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. 27 Peace I leave with you; My [perfect] peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. [Let My perfect peace calm you in every circumstance and give you courage and strength for every challenge.] John 14:25-27 The Amplified Bible
Time Out! Pray It UP
Holy Spirit, teach me the wisdom of waiting out these mind-tornadoes my enemy spins up with “What If” circulations, tempests of doubt, fear, anxiety. Lies, false accusations, doubts, fears, anxieties will eventually spin out, only truth has the power to prevail, to hold me in place, my life identity positioned in Christ. Teach me Holy Spirit, Advocate of my soul, to wait on God, and every untruth spun up around me will unravel by the power of Your Holy Spirit. The truth I know will stand firm as I plant my soul in Christ. Time Out! Soul, eyes, ears, report for cleansing, fully facing God, waiting silently upon Him, listening up to His Word, His Voice, as teacher, guide and navigator. Time Out! Shutting out the sullied clamor of my enemy and learning how to stay positioned in a heart to heart, spirit to spirit, vital-vertical, wholly-holy alignment with Jesus in times such as these, so the only voice that has impactive percussion on my soul is God’s Voice. Time Out!

Psalm 27 The Passion Translation~Fearless Faith~The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way; He’s the source of my salvation to defend me every day. I fear no one! I’ll never turn back and run from you, Lord; surround and protect me. 2 When evil ones come to destroy me, they will be the ones who turn back. 3 My heart will not be afraid even if an army rises to attack. I know that you are there for me, so I will not be shaken. 4 Here’s the one thing I crave from God, the one thing I seek above all else: I want the privilege of living with him every moment in his house, finding the sweet loveliness of his face, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer. 5–6 In his shelter in the day of trouble, that’s where you’ll find me, for he hides me there in his holiness. He has smuggled me into his secret place, where I’m kept safe and secure— out of reach from all my enemies. Triumphant now, I’ll bring him my offerings of praise, singing and shouting with ecstatic joy! Yes, listen and you can hear the fanfare of my shouts of praise to the Lord! 7 God, hear my cry. Show me your grace. Show me mercy, and send the help I need! 8 Lord, when you said to me, “Seek my face,” my inner being responded, “I’m seeking your face with all my heart.” 9 So don’t hide yourself, Lord, when I come to find you. You’re the God of my salvation; how can you reject your servant in anger? You’ve been my only hope, so don’t forsake me now when I need you! 10 My father and mother abandoned me. I’m like an orphan! But you took me in and made me yours.11 Now teach me all about your ways and tell me what to do. Make it clear for me to understand, for I am surrounded by waiting enemies. 12 Don’t let them defeat me, Lord. You can’t let me fall into their clutches! They keep accusing me of things I’ve never done while they plot evil against me. 13 Yet I totally trust you to rescue me one more time, so that I can see once again how good you are while I’m still alive! 14 Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you! Commentary: Every child needs four things: acceptance, focused attention, guidance, and protection. All four of these emotional needs are met by God
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today. I hope your soul has been nourished by the spiritual meal on The Prayer Mentor Table. Please share this with others through your social media outreach. During this “time out” for as long as it is going to be, I will be listening up to God. Make sure you have subscribed to my website, so you don’t miss a spiritual meal God prepares for me in the wilderness. God bless you, KimberlyMac