
Wise Men Bring Their Treasures To Jesus

When they heard the king, they went; and look, the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stood over the place where the child was.  When they saw the star, they were filled with joy.  They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matt.2:9-11

A Treasure Exchange

Okay yes, I admit I am old. LOL! In my “older years”, one thing I am learning is to really “see” the treasure in the family God has put in my life. I looked, but I did not really see. Now I see. Our family is wealthy when it comes to this kind of treasure, the uniqueness and giftedness of each one of us. The older I got, the wiser I became and my treasure changed, what I valued in life changed. I exchanged what was intangible for what was tangible. I opted for relationship first over every other priority I had previously sold my soul for.

A Treasure Of Presence

How sad it is that the value of family relationship is so underrated in our society. We barely talk to God about each other and yes, we barely even talk to one another. The thing I regret the most is that when I was present in my family, I was not really present. My life had an over filled plate. Most of our lives have full plates that we have overfilled and we are trying desperately to balance way too much. This balancing act with an over filled life plate takes so much of our energy and time, time God designed for us to invest in each other. Now, I let God fill my plate and when someone tries to put something on it that God has not sanctioned for me, I just tell them sweetly, my plate is already full, but thanks for thinking of me. We try to do too much, that is why we really need to stay in followship of God’s Holy Spirit. It is our nature to do and be good and that is why we, independent of God end up with way too much on our plates.

A Treasure Gifted

God created us purposefully to be in a family, to be surrounded, effected and grow through life by the gleaning of the unique, God shaped giftedness of each other. Why did the Wise Men bring their treasures to baby Jesus? They wanted to adore Him, yes, but the revelation to me this Christmas is that every treasure brought to Jesus is never devalued, but added to in value and being as wise as they were, they knew treasure gifted to Jesus had an untapped potential for return, that only He could bring out of it. Jesus was not all about Himself, the purpose of God was in play in His life and everything gifted to Him would flow into and out of that great Kingdom purpose. Your treasure gifted to Jesus increases in value, there is no human explanation for it, it is simply-significantly a divine characteristic of Kingdom proportions. We can’t even begin to imagine the return of the gifts we treasure as we pray for them and gift them to Jesus.

A Treasure Of Quality

Every family truly knows and have experienced the difference between quality and quantity time. Quality time is some of our best family life experiences that we treasure the memory of. Giving our time to Jesus, asking Him to prioritize it, makes quantity time translate into quality time. With Jesus at the center of our time, it is all good. Quantity is okay, but quality is good. Okay does not impact us relationally like good does. Let’s opt out of quantity and opt into quality family time, because this is where the treasure that we have hunted for in our family life will be found. Quality time breeds great relationships, that are deep, unconditional and unbreakable by the tests of time.

A Treasure Of Family

Family is truly a great treasure, one we need to seek out and never stop pursuing the relationship of. The Wiseman brought their greatest treasure to Jesus. I am thinking, I know my greatest treasure is my family, so this should be the gift I bring to Jesus. How can I translate that in my everyday reality? This Christmas, I will take time to bring my family to Jesus. How? I will encourage them with love. I will listen to them, attentively. I will be interested in what they are interested in. I will model the characteristics of God, because this will point them in His direction. I will selflessly sacrifice for them. I will bring them to Jesus in prayer, because this will light the path of their life for them to find Jesus’ way and truth. I will ask God on their behalf, pray it up for them, because I know He is a great treasure for them, waiting to lavish them with the abundance of Himself and His Kingdom.

A Treasure That Multiplies

Even after Christmas, I could get into being a Wiseman, and continue to bring my family to Jesus in prayer, every day, bring these irreplaceable treasures to Him, because as I get to know Him more and more, I also know, only He can redeem them, my treasures, for what they are truly worth. God knows the real value of my family treasures, He knows their value better than I could ever even begin to know and He knows how to create a diamond out of a rough-cut stone. God can make my treasures shine in ways I can’t even begin to imagine, He can increase their value and control the success of their portfolio like no other can. Jesus multiplies the worth of my treasures that I bring to Him and that is why I pray it up, I bring my treasures to Him.

A Treasure Of Value

Jesus is a great treasure for my family too and that is why I call out their names to Him, bringing them to Him in prayer, because I know He is a boundless treasure for them. We, His wise men, bring our treasures to Him, because only He can redeem them for what they are truly worth, He knows their hidden value better than we could ever even begin to know. Wise men bring Jesus their treasures, He never devalues them, He increases their value in that way only He can. Bring your family to Jesus, pray it up and ask Him for a Christmas Miracle for them. He came to us for this very reason, to bless our family with a joy unspeakable, a peace that surpasses all and a forever life of knowing Him and His great blessings. There is no greater gift of value you can give your family then to pray for them. Bring your treasures to Jesus.

A Treasure Of Family Memories

The picture above was a family picture taken when pieces of our family came from a few different states to spend some quality time together. They made a memory. This picture captures the true essence of treasure. What do you treasure most? Is it wealth, job, prestige or things? What are you pursuing most? Family is a great pursuit. Make memories with your family. I also highly suggest you bring the treasure chest of your family relationships to Jesus. Wise men bring their treasures to Jesus. Pray it up, your family, pray them up to Jesus and make memories of prayer and joyful answered prayer with Jesus.

A Treasure Gifted

So, my Christmas gift to Jesus is you, my family, whom I treasure more than anything in my life, so as this song below suggests, I, being wise, (wiser in my old age), know the best place to bring my treasures to, is Jesus, so I pray for each of you, I bring you to Jesus, knowing He will add value to Your life in that incredible way He can. I adore Him by worshipping Him and bringing to Him the best thing of my life, my family.

Wise Men Bring Their Treasures To Jesus

Family Life was written by the author of The Bridegrooms Café, KimberlyMac. I come from a very large family and over the years we have “grown through” our life situations with the help of God. God bless you MUCH. Please share this with other families, let’s get this word out to them, so they too can gain the wisdom from the Wiseman to bring their families to God, to pray it up. Use your social media to do so with the button below. Please leave a comment to encourage others, share about your family, so others learn and grow in God’s family dynamics. Thank you!

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