Do you realize that God is near to you? Actually. In your need, doubt, and discouragement, reach out to God in prayer, and thank Him that His Word promises that He is not far from you at any moment, not even when your life feels most out of control. Paul Tripp
Negative feelings can be so strong, but even if they overwhelm our senses, their deception is fleeting because truth stands the test of time. Are you feeling lonely? You are not alone, never have been. God is with us. Yes, at times, this life season “feels” more than what we can bear? God is our Advocate; He has never not been working for our good. We feel peaceless, we feel alone, we feel forsaken, but our feelings they deceive us, because the truth is, we are none of these things, and never have been. God has never forsaken us; He has been faithful to us over all the ages of time, even when we were faithless and disloyal to Him. God has never left us alone, He is Present, here, now with us and for us. God is never not at work for our good. Constant-Consistent this is God’s reputation. Look past your feelings to the truth. There has never been a minute God does not think of us first and put us first. We have never been alone. We have never been forsaken. We have been loved well.
Psalm 23:4 Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. TPT
“My Bride, shake off the anxiety and rise above the clamor of these unsettled days and see beyond your panic into My steadfast eyes. Fully face your AWE-GOD! Today, I ask you to totally surrender the helm of your life to Me and let Me chart your course. Let your first call be to Me. Abide in My love. Oh, My beautiful church, I love you. How I long for you to love Me intimately and trust Me completely. I implore you to remember My faithfulness. My authentic love is certified by the many promises I have made and kept. What I say I do. What I speak, is.” Excerpt: The Bridegroom’s Voice, KimberlyMac
Proverbs 3:20-23 Healing Words~20 Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. 21 Fill your thoughts with my words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. 22 Then, as you unwrap my words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. 23 So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life. TPT
The One Who loves us better, best and most, we question with arrogance in our hearts, with disrespect of Who He Is. We can’t let our feeling rule the attitudes of our hearts. Our hearts must be a place of truth and only truth, because out of our heart flows the issues of our life. So, we must guard our heart with all diligence, because it affects our soul and our feelings can become influenced by deception instead of shaped by truth. It is time to change it up and begin walking in and out of the victory Jesus already won and see only through the eyes of a Kingdom Perspective. Let’s do this! Together! God and us. Let’s put all of our feelings, expectations and emotions in God’s Hands and ask Him to thwart our personal reactions and bring about a Godly response. We pray to use our emotions right, to respond godly the first time, to change up our feelings kicking out the root of deception by being deeply rooted in God’s truth. Let it be so.
Thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café for an incredible spiritual meal on the Miraculous Musing Table. It makes for a good day when we listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice, hearing His love, wisdom, truth is stabilizing to our soul. Please share this spiritual meal with someone on your social media platform today. It is always good to receive encouragement from one another. God bless you Much, Kimberly Mac