Dealing With The Darkness Of Our Time
Darker and darker the human condition is on a downward spiral. Deceit, lawlessness, hate, anger all accompany the illegitimate grab of power. These times do stretch our faith, they are dark times and the state of humanity is not good, yet we are never without Jesus, The Light of The World. We have to focus on whatever light we have, because there is always light, God’s light can’t be extinguished. Stay focused on the people who are good, stay wholly-holy aligned with the God of all goodness. A downward spiral can only lead to an upward climb to the peace of God. This may be a dark night in the history of human kind, but joy comes in the morning and we are led, navigated by the peace of God.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart, my portion forever. Those far from you will certainly perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you. But as for me, God’s presence is my good. I have made the Lord God my refuge, so I can tell about all you do. Psalms 73:26-28
Fallen Far And Hard
Every day it gets worse and worse here in this world. We have fallen so far away from You, Jesus, and we don’t deserve anything less than Your wrath, Father God. You are a merciful God, but I am not even sure we deserve Your mercy. I know You are a God of Justice, so I pray You make things just for all, that every evil deed will be exposed and expunged by You, that Your Justice will prevail. I feel in my spirit that things are going to get worse. Lord God, help us to patiently endure, help us to go out with joy, each day in Your strength, peace, and courage. Help us to take the time to be soul saturated with Your Truth, Jesus, so we can step out and from every moment to every choice, from faith to faith, make the next right choice. Help us Holy Spirit, equip our belief, trust and may we always obey You as You navigate us through these times. Father God, we pray You keep our enemy at bay, protect us and thank you so much for your amazing Advocacy over us, it gives us such peace. Our upward focus to You is where we are soul saturated with Your Peace. Listen up and be inspired by this 1 Minute Encouragement Video:
“Those who look to wealth as their ultimate hope will steal and cheat to get it. Those who look to security as their ultimate hope, will oppress others to protect themselves. Those who look to power as their ultimate hope will enslave people, kill people and work themselves to death. Those who look to pleasure as their ultimate hope, will engage in drunkenness and debauchery but will end up in shame instead. Those who look to control as their ultimate hope, will try to grasp it any way they can, even if it is through idols and false gods. God calls us to turn our eyes from these false hopes and remember not only that He exists, but also to honor Him.” Tara Leigh Cobble
We Resemble Our Focus
Goodness still illuminates the darkness with hope. To resist the enemy we do good, and we are a single candle in a dark place, we can light up our world with hope. The peace of God is always with us, we are soul saturated with it as we walk with God. When we serve no power higher than self, we find ourselves peaceless, grasping for something to fill that void, we have produced illegitimate supremacy over one another and are consuming each other, stealing, destroying and killing, we resemble the enemy of our soul more than we do God. We can return to God, we can know His peace once again, it is our choice and it is such a good choice. Focus Upward to Jesus, Our Savior, Redeemer, Our Advocate, Our Truth and we will resemble Him, His peace, wisdom, knowledge, love and grace. Focusing on our worldly viewpoint of a chaotic culture, we will resemble the chaos, anxiety and fear our enemy hopes for us to walk in. If we keep a kingdom perspective, we will have God’s peace. For less anxiety, listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video:
Reality Of Truth
Our reality of Truth is, our Awe God is faithful and trustworthy to take care of us in times where the human condition is so corrupted and the consequences of our cultural rot of turning away from God, and sinning as we serve no god higher than self, is so prevalent. God is with us, His nature is to protect, defend, and provide for His own. His is an Advocacy like no other. AweGOD! If you KNOW GOD you know, without a doubt, that He is a God on the move in the unseen working for the good and justice for all His people. God’s Justice will prevail. Our God will finish well for us and in the meantime, He never leaves us, He never betrays us, He remains a our faithful and trustworthy Advocate. Thus and therefore, it is truly not about what we are seeing an experiencing, our focus should be on God and our faith should be active and activated to action as we stand on the side of truth, in followship of our God, watching, waiting and knowing, without a doubt, that His Justice can and will breakthrough into our reality of truth, in perfect and purposeful timing.
“God wants His people at be peace and to walk in truth and He wants the wicked to hear the truth to and turn from wickedness. God wants this so much; He cares so deeply about this that He will punish those who discourage and dishearten His people. He is so protective. God doesn’t just care about our eternal salvation; He also cares about the peace that we carry with us day by day in every moment as children who know and love the truth about Who their Father is.” Tara Leigh Cobble
I leave the gift of peace with you—my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts—instead, be courageous! I am telling you this while I am still with you. But when the Father sends the Spirit of Holiness, the One like me who sets you free, he will teach you all things in my name. And he will inspire you to remember every word that I’ve told you. John 14:25-27
God Creatively Inspires Us Daily
This song from our daily song inspiration posts, truly does carry a beautiful fragrance of God’s wisdom and it inspires us with hope in times such as these. If we focus on our forever, instead of what is in our worldly viewpoint, we will have peace, we will have joy in the all of our everything. We shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace, even amidst all that is going on in our sad state of affairs in our nations. Jesus has not relinquished His Sovereignty over us, Jesus has not given up His authority, that is just a lie. Listen up to the reality of truth that God is with us and this is our upward focus off of our worldly viewpoint to our Kingdom Perspective:
Focus Upward ~ Led By God’s Peace
God directs us by peace. God will guide us, no doubt about it, He will navigate us at that crossroad we find ourselves at. We should wait on God, pray, seek counsel, get in the Word and wait for God’s peace to guide us. I hope 🙏 for us peace… God’s peace that surpasses all our understanding AWE-GOD Be blessed by God, His Word, His Truth and activate your faith using the Word of God that stomps on fear and ushers in peace. Peace Out! Listen up to this 1 Minute encouragement video on peace. God bless ya:
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today to nourish your soul. We hope your meal on The Miraculous Musing Table was filling. God bless you and yours as you open your ears to The Bridegroom’s Voice. What an encouraging Voice, Jesus has. Please share this post on your Social Media platform, this is your Voice for God. Thanks! KimberlyMac
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