Listen Up To: What Faith Can Do By Kutless
Romans 5:2-5 Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness “grace.” that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory! 3 But that’s not all! Even in times of trouble we have a joyful confidence, knowing that our pressures, (often translated “tribulation”) will develop in us patient endurance. 4 And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. 5 And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, this hope does not put one to shame because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us! The Passion Translation
“Faith, hope and love comprise the three abiding priorities and enduring virtues of time and eternity. These facts alone earn each of them a distinct spot on the enemies target. Anything God emphasizes, the devil seeks to exterminate. Faith is a game changer as pain and beauty tangle in a big knot called hope.” Quote By Beth Moore

We “Do Not” Give Up
Faith. What can faith do? Well, for me, it isn’t the faith that does, it is the object of my faith, Jesus Christ, that does with me being connected to Him. He is the ONE Who ushered in the greatest transformation known to mankind, so what is impossible to us, is not impossible to Him. Not only can He do miraculous things, but He does them in a timely manner, in a way that is always perfect in love and deed, leaving us in total Awe of Him. Our God is a flawless Way-Maker, and He is so very trustworthy of our faith in Him. Faith is our boat’s rudder in the storms of life, and as we look up in the midst of the driving rain and wind in our fiercest of life storms, we will always see Jesus at the helm of our boat. This is why we persevere, we do not give up, we do not quit, because He is with us, at the center of our lives, and He is on the move, always for us, working for our best.
Right Now “You Feel” Flooded
New Days, this is what God is masterful at as He makes all things new. Right now you may “feel” like giving up. I know, I have been there at times. Everything that can flood in, floods in, and you feel overwhelmed and under it, not even able to take a step out of the mess that has suddenly messed up your comfortable life. Scared, it is not even a good word, if you knew a stronger word, you would express it. We are “seeing” our circumstances and it feels impossible to be fixed, and our endurance is gone. Will power starts out great, but it fades quickly and then emotions flood in and take over. Been there and felt this. Don’t be defined by your feelings, be defined by your faith in God. Believe. Trust. Hope. In Christ Jesus We Depend When The Going Gets Tough: Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video:
Learning To “Believe” God
Our enemy loves digging pits for us to fall into. He loves crushing our hope, stepping on the neck of our faith, quieting the bubbling flow of our joy and eradicating our love. All three of these, faith, hope and love, they are eternal qualities of the character of our inner spiritual core, and the light of these God characteristics, is a forever light. The only way these flame out, is if we put them out with unbelief, doubt and fear. We are the only ones who can hand our faith, hope and love to the enemy. We believe in God, but do we believe Him when the going get’s tough? Are we willing to grow through with belief, trust, faith when things don’t seem to change, when we are not sure God is hearing us or even cares? Will we chase our feelings, or will we rest in the truth that we know? Read Hebrews Chapter 11 and pray it up. Lord, Increase Our Faith
We “Think” We Know
This world is a “can’t do” world. We say to God and each other, I don’t need you, I am done with you. Assumptions, speculations and theory lead us by the neck, by the hanging rope of the enemy’s deceptions. We “think” we can’t take it; we can’t endure it. We begin to blame others and act like the father of lies, who is feeding us all the deception. We are being deceived! How do I know this? Key words being “we think” and therein lies the problem. We let our minds run free and wild with thoughts that are not even truth. An assumption, something we “think” we know is pure deception from the father of lies. If we don’t KNOW it to be true, we should not be entertaining those thoughts, because this is the open doorway for the enemy to discourage our soul. You “can do” because God says you can do, Christ in you, the hope of glory. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video and gain the wisdom about being securely anchored in truth.
Yes We Can “In Christ” We Can
Are you weary? Are you done? Have you fallen into the ashes of your dead dreams? Get up, look up, don’t give up. Jesus is with You, put Your Hand in His and get up. Miracles happen as we pray with faith, and hope in God. Impossible is not a word to God, this is why we step out in courage and stretch our faith. It is not about what is seen, it is all about what is unseen, and the Providential Care of God in play. God’s purposes are greater than our challenges and they are in play right now for our good and His glory. Yes we can, in Christ, we can.
“Worldly information relies on what is seen and experienced and it requires human processing to perceive, apply and validate it. Trust is a dependence upon what you don’t see; it is a stirring of hope deep within your inner person by My Holy Spirit. Believing in Me is more than a surface relationship and more than a head knowledge of My spoken word; it is a heartfelt faith that comes from deep within your inner spirit, and has nothing to do with the willful mustering of human emotion! Head knowledge of Me is not enough, because it does not engage the Spirit of God with the spirit of man. True belief is established when there is an intimate relationship with Me; desiring more of Me and less of you.” Excerpt From Book: The Bridegroom’s Voice by KimberlyMac
To “Know” God Is To Increase Faith
When the world says you can’t, do you muster up will power and say: I can! If so, you will crash and burn. You can’t, GOD can. Increase your faith in God, know Him personally, what is He saying, what is He doing? Chase after God and in doing so, if you fall, get back up in followship of Him, by His strength. Our human condition is not enough to fight the wiles of our enemy. We need God. We need a personal relationship with God, in that vital-vertical kind of way where He is touching our lives daily and we are connecting with Him, heart to heart. I pray it would be so that we activate our personal faith and increase our relationship with God and be led by His Holy Spirit from every moment into every choice.
Thanks for stopping into the Bridegroom’s Café for a spiritual meal to nourish your soul. The Worship Spotlight meal is always so creatively made and anointed by God. It is a spiritual meal that is music to the soul. Please share it with others on your social media platform. Make sure you subscribe to this website by email, so you don’t miss one meal. It is so important to nourish your soul daily with The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac