Who Am I? What Matters To Me First?
I am a child of God. I know this. His grace runs deeply into my inner spiritual core, strengthening me with His power, enabling me to be self-controlled, to be led wisely in times such as these. Do I act like what I know, without a doubt, matters first? There is a place for me, but it is not here. I know that! But have I stopped nesting here in this world? I do not belong here, I was not created to stay here, this is temporary. I know that. But do I act like God’s Kingdom matters first? Who do you say I am? This is Who I need to be in times such as these. I have been rescued. My fears have been drowned in God’s perfect love. Putting God first, it matters. God matters and He matters first. What God has to say matters first. We are His children, destined differently than our worldly viewpoint dictates. Does this matter first, being His, being a part of God’s Kingdom?
Who Is Your First? What Is Your First? What Matters? Who Matters?
We think and act like our lives are all about us, about our comfort here and now. This could not be further from the truth, it is not about us, it is not about this world, it is all about Jesus and His Kingdom. We don’t belong here. Eternity is written on our hearts; we must read the story God has etched in our hearts. Who does God say we are? Are we acting like it matters to be God’s child, to be destined for a higher God purpose? God matters first, His kingdom matters first, His truth matters first. What matters first to us? Is our identity wholly-holy in God? Are our heart strings tied to this world? Our hearts are desperately wicked, only God knows them, therefore, we cling to God, we dig your life roots deeply in His Kingdom and we let God navigate us from every moment to every choice, we are listening up, we are being taught, we are led by God.
Got A Mediatic False Frenzy Focus?
This digital age has stolen our attention, we are not paying full attention to God, we are so distracted by media and entertainment that keeps our focus on the world. We can’t push through in our own strength in times such as these. We have grown accustomed to being able to find our way by the wisdom we have gained through experience. We lean on our humanity way too much, instead of first going to God, Who is the strength of our human condition, the strength of our weakness, we push forward by our will power with a limited knowledge of what we think we know, not what is known by God. We listen up to all the mediatic false frenzy of our world, giving ourselves to social media first, before we listen up to God, Whose Voice really matters first.
God’s Sovereignty And His Infinite Love Go Hand In Hand
God’s Sovereign Will is in play in times such as these. Can we swallow it? Is it more than our humanity can wrap our mind around? Why is it we struggle with God’s method’s, therefore not wholly-holy trusting His way? We know His ways are not our ways, they are higher than our understanding and Kingdom purposeful. When we struggle with the apparent will of God, we are missing a piece of the Kingdom Equation. God’s Sovereign Will is never absent from His Infinite Love, the two go hand in hand. When the Sovereign Will of God seems to be more than we can swallow, it goes down well with the Infinite Love of God. We navigate the Sovereign Will of God by positioning ourselves underneath the Rulership of God’s Infinite Love as we open our heart’s wide and receive the fullness of it, letting it soul saturate us.
God’s method of deliverance is often not “out of” but “through.” His presence as we go through difficulties becomes our deliverance. Psalm 11: 3 What can the righteous accomplish when truth’s pillars are destroyed and law and order collapse? 4 Yet the Eternal One is never shaken—he is still found in his temple of holiness, reigning as Lord and King over all. He is closely watching everything that happens. And with a glance, his eyes examine every heart. For his heavenly rule will prevail over all. 5 He will test both the righteous and the wicked, exposing each heart. The Passion Translation
We Don’t KNOW What We THINK We Know
There is so much about these times we won’t know. We don’t have the discernment needed to use our human ingenuity to navigate us through these times. Change was rapidly ushered in. This life season, it is all new. This is a new reality. God is purposefully bringing us back to a moment to choice dependence upon His way, truth and life. God is restoring us to a supernatural dependency on Him, giving us a new Kingdom perspective that replaces the worldly viewpoint we have been so focused on and leaned into. God is desiring for us to lean into His Sovereign sway. Help us Lord God, to let go of what we think we know, cling to You and dig our life roots deeply in You.
“We are people in need of transformation, we are not always noble people who do the right thing. The Bible is not filled with stories of noble people who always did the right thing. We always need God’s Grace. Gods’ Grace is the most powerful force in the universe. God’s Grace reaches into where you are and is able to take you where God wants you to be. It has the power to do something nothing else can do. It has the power to transform you in your inner spiritual core, your heart, at the core of who you are as a human being.” Written By: Paul Tripp
Success Is Being Consistently Faithful To God, His Way-Truth-Life
We have a different view of what success is, we have a worldly viewpoint. To Jesus, success is us being faithful to Him, being people of sacrificial praise, worshipping Him heart to heart and no matter what our circumstances are, keeping Him as our first love, faithful to Him, to His Kingdom. Giving God total access to our lives, being faithful to His Presence, staying in a constant conversation with Him, being navigated by His Holy Spirit, listening up at all times, hearing His Voice, being led and taught by Him first. Yes, everything is changing, but He has not changed. God’s Presence is always with us, it is God’s faithfulness to us; this never changing grace and love that God wants us to mirror in our relationship with Him. No matter what, He matters first. What God is saying to us right now, matters first.
Isaiah 43: 18-21 “Stop dwelling on the past. Don’t even remember these former things. 19 I am doing something brand new, something unheard of. Even now it sprouts and grows and matures. Don’t you perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and open up flowing streams in the desert. 20 Wild beasts, jackals, and owls will glorify me. For I supply streams of water in the desert and rivers in the wilderness to satisfy the thirst of my people, my chosen ones, 21 so that you, whom I have shaped and formed for myself, will proclaim my praise. The Passion Translation
What Say You? What Is Your Interpretation?
How are we interpreting what is happening right now? Are we seeing through the lens of a worldly viewpoint, or are we connected heart to heart with God, seeing through the lens of His Kingdom perspective? Is the desire of our heart focused on fixing the here and now? Or, are we for God’s Kingdom first? What really matters to us? This world or God’s Kingdom? Do we act like this world is temporary for a season? Do we act like we trust God with our today, tomorrow and forever? Heart check is needed! Open your heart wide to God, give Him total access to your mind, will, soul and spirit.
Got A Heart Of Worship In The All Of Your Everything?
We need to get back to a heart focus of worship and praise of our Awe-GOD! Return our hearts, oh God, wholly-holy to You. We take our confidence out of our flesh and return it to You, Jesus. We put our identity wholly-holy in You, linking our hearts to You, listening up to You, and You alone. We align our spirit with You, in unbroken focus and worship of You, Jesus. Change us in the midst of our trials, that we might see the truth, that Your Presence is our deliverance, as we grow through these times trusting in You, making You all that matters, You and Your Kingdom. Jesus, we seek the face of God, not the hand, not the reward, but the heart, beauty of character, and mind of God. Jesus, we pray our lives will be all about You and Your Kingdom.
Sometimes we need a “Time Out” to fully face God, and listen up without any distractions. This table in The Bridegroom’s Café, “Think On It” has amazing meals prepared by Chef Jesus, full of protein that strengthens our inner spiritual core. Please share these meals with others to encourage their spiritual growth. Don’t miss one meal from Chef Jesus at The Bridegroom’s Café, make sure you subscribe by email today. The Bridegroom’s Voice is a voice that matters, make sure you do everything possible to listen up to it. On this day and everyday our Bridegroom’s Voice matters first. God bless you, KimberlyMac
My “time out” as I await a Lyme disease “exposure” on our little Breeze, is rereading Knowing God. This time I have it on audible.com, so I’m actually “listening” and trying not to worry too much. Have a blessed day today!