Where Are We Headed?
Sometimes life takes you in a direction you do not want to go. Been there, felt that push of lifecycle, where the purposes of God are the navigating winds that are changing up my direction. We are going that way??? No!! Yes we are! You have got to be kidding??!! Followship, what an incredible God Adventure it can be once you stop bucking up your will and stirring up all kinds of emotional waves.
Egotism Is a Stumbling Block
We struggle so much as human beings with egotism. Egotism is adjusting our spiritual thermostat to a comfortable controlled zone and not pursuing the rough path that the purposes of God is leading us into. We think we know better than God does about our life and how to live it. Sometimes when God asks me to step out of my comfort zone, if I had my way, I would go home, to my safe place and tuck myself in and completely bypass the purposes of God that are designed by God to promote spiritual growth in me
It’s A Jungle Out There
The heart of the Gospel is change! God’s Word, His way, truth and live has not changed being an eternal transformer. The heart of the Gospel changes destinies! The Word of God renovates us daily from the inside to the outside. God is famous for changing things up by His always present Power and Miraculous Grace. There is one thing for sure, things are never as they are seen by our human viewpoint, because God is working in the unseen for our good and His endgame may yet be still unseen! God’s purposes change up everything in our circumstances as they are in play for His good endgame! Circumstances are what we see temporarily, and we could be seeing a freaky messed up jungle, but not for long. Why? Because God Reigns and He loves to change things up in that Kingdom kind of way, making a message out of our mess! So, enjoy the God Adventure, even if for now it is a jungle out there. Put on your Kingdom spectacles, black out your worldly viewpoint and watch Him work from a Kingdom perspective!
Am I Stuck?
Sometimes circumstances that suddenly bear down on us can be so very overwhelming. Circumstances! We have so many different life season transitions in our life time. Seasons! A vital-vertical relationship with God trumps every single circumstance! God is always with us, God is always unchanging, but our situation it can change. There is nothing that we are “stuck with” when we are immovable in Christ. Jesus has this incredible way of making all things better and best. His Way-Making abilities are never “status quo”, they have an amazing miraculous edge! When we cling to AWE-GOD, dig our roots deeply into His Kingdom, see things from a Kingdom perspective, then all things are subject to change.
A saint’s life is in the hands of God as a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. God is aiming at something the saint cannot see; He stretches and strains, and every now and again the saint says, I cannot stand any more. But God does not heed; He goes on stretching until His purpose is in sight, then He lets fly. Quote By: Oswald Chambers
Grow On
I realize that everything has a God purpose “growing on” even if it is not fun at the time. I need to TRUST God, He knows exactly what He is doing and the reason why He is doing it that way is always better than anything I could do to change the things I don’t like in my life. How about you? Do you ever think about things that you absolutely hate in your life, and wonder if they too can be part of God’s greater plan?
When we are stretched past our will to God’s will, our Awe of Him increases! Awe to me is reacting to God’s Presence and expressing the majesty and magnificence of God’s character in action all around us, His purposes in play in our lives. Awe is the greatest attitude a servant warrior can spend time developing. It will purposefully increase your humility and that in itself is a great heart treasure for any servant of God! Kimberlymac
What if Moses had refused to go when God commanded him to go? Pastor Elliott Osowitt
Read: Exodus 2:11-14 A whole nation was redeemed, taken out of slavery into freedom because Moses obeyed God. Think about it. What is God asking you to do that you don’t want to do. What season of life are you in that you would like to crawl out of and bury your head underneath your pillow in your comfort zone. God has Kingdom Purposes in play. Stay put and be His. Put Your YES on the table of your life before He even asks. Be Wholly-Holy-His no matter what you are “growing through”! There is God purpose in everything, even if it looks messy and never forget, your Redeemer, He Still Lives… Forever and Infinitely So.
Philippians 2:3-7 Be free from pride-filled opinions, for they will only harm your cherished unity. Don’t allow self-promotion to hide in your hearts, but in authentic humility put others first and view others as more important than yourselves. 4 Abandon every display of selfishness. Possess a greater concern for what matters to others instead of your own interests. 5 And consider the example that Jesus, the Anointed One, has set before us. Let his mindset become your motivation. The Example of Jesus Christ~ 6 He existed in the form of God, yet he gave no thought to seizing equality with God as his supreme prize.[d] 7 Instead he emptied himself of his outward glory by reducing himself to the form of a lowly servant. He became human! 8 He humbled himself and became vulnerable, choosing to be revealed as a man and was obedient. The Passion Translation
A Glory Story
My “glory story” begins where “God Broke Me And Awoke His Passion” in me, a life giving power boost that I can’t even begin to put in words. I completely gave up control, I was done! I admitted that my trying got me nowhere but deeper down in a pit of disillusionment with life. I was here: I can’t live with the relational pain; it is too much. I can’t do this season of life, I liked how it was. I can’t live where You have placed me, I hate it. I can’t understand anything in my life, I feel lost. I can’t reconcile the pain of loss, it is overwhelming. I can’t adjust to the new You have ushered in and I don’t want to. I can’t do it. I have tried, and tried and tried and nothing works, Oh, my attitude was so bad and I needed to change it up.
I Give Up
All it took was this simple-significant heartfelt prayer: I give up! Lord help me! HE immediately took over. He awakened my soul, redirected it by developing my AWE-GOD Praise. He renewed my spirit in Huge hope by the Promises in His Word. I let go of everything I had been trying to fix and everyone I had been chasing. I immediately stopped the exhausting chasing of those who did not want to be caught and I let go of all my wants and expectations in life, people, places and things and I turned and clung to God.
Dig My Life Roots
I began to dig my roots deeply in His Kingdom through personal one on one time with God in prayer, devotions, bible reading, Christian music and was filling my soul, replenishing my spirit at every opportunity I could. God refocused my soul through my relationship with Him, that had changed from a horizontal trying, to a vital-vertical “Being His”, relationship that I established and began on my knees. Everyday My first step out of bed is down, face down before God, where He refreshes and focuses my soul emotions for the day.
Press Forward
If you don’t know where God is taking you, then press forward in AWE, stepping out in the wisdom you do know and recalling the truth, knowing God is working, and His purpose is in play in everything that you can’t wrap your mind around. It is incredible and awe inspiring to know that God is purposefully leading us, sometimes where we would like to go and other times where we do not want to go. You press forward in your walk as a servant-leader with the goal of becoming a “seasoned servant” who is setting a consistent life-pace with God’s Presence; your eyes on the goal of “Being Completely His”. No Seasons! Every day no matter what, you begin it (Ro 12:1-2) counting the cost and evaluating how to consistently keep circled up with God, being available and keeping Jesus at the center of your all and everything as you follow His pace. It doesn’t matter where you are going, what matters is God is leading and you are staying faithfully in followship of God.
Thank you for stopping in The Bridegroom’s Café for a really great spiritual meal on the Just A Thought Table. This table we use a lot for our new God Adventure making 1 Minute Encouragement Videos on Rumble. Make sure you subscribe https://rumble.com/c/c-278341 to these, they are amazing. God bless you and yours, KimberlyMac