The Groomsman’s Journal
“He who has the bride is the Bridegroom; but the groomsman who stands by and listens to Him rejoices greatly and heartily on account of the Bridegroom’s Voice. This then is my pleasure and joy, and it is now complete. He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:29-30 Amplified Bible
This is my personal journal from the book: “The Bridegroom’s Voice”! I am journeying through this God Adventure with Jesus, listening up to His Voice and keeping a “Groomsman’s Journal” This part of my journal is from Week 34 where Jesus, The Bridegroom spends the week talking and teaching about us “Choosing Truth”. This is day three and day four of Jesus and I working through what He was speaking and teaching on Choosing Truth and the wisdom of staying away from the enemies deception of a “white lie”!
The Bridegroom’s Voice:
Week 34 ~ Choose Truth
The Bride says, “I feel afraid. My insides are quivering and I feel sick when I see how truth is corrupted by white-lies. I am homesick for Heaven. It can’t be OK to tell a white-lie even if the outcome is good? In this generation, if it is politically correct, then a lie is readily disguised as reality. Will 100% kingdom truth ever again prevail?”
The Bridegroom’s Words, Written On Your Heart
The Groomsman’s Journal: Reflecting, Meditating, and Responding
The Bridegroom speaks with great authority on the importance of choosing the whole truth. How can you be a person of truth?
The Bridegroom Speaks: Telling a white-lie is not right under any circumstance. Lies are not color-coded, but the deceiver would have you believe that. A lie is a lie and truth is truth and there are no gray areas. This is just a rationalization from the father of all deception, a trick to manipulate your conscious into his path. A lie is always an exchanged truth. Value judgments are as erroneous as the devil himself. What Satan offers your world is not freedom, but a lie which is a cleverly disguised bondage. Lies emerge from morals influenced by deceit and corrupted by humanistic ideals. Corruption can’t produce lasting good. Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice”
“Flesh Out”
What happens when we get trapped in a relationship situation where we have to choose between the truth and pleasing a person, telling them what they really want to hear, not what they need to hear. So, we go with the want, we please them. But it never ends there. The problem with the enemy is it is never just one little white lie. That choice as minuscule as it seems, opens the door for the enemy and he cracks the door to your soul open. You know what I mean. One little lie becomes a series of lies, it never ends with one.
“Truth In”
I think I know, but do I really know. I speak and act like I know, but I truly don’t know. So, this is how we step into conversations, with what we think we know. It is so easy to flip out those defamation of character slanders, because we think we know. Little do we know that we are a part of the steal, kill and destroy agenda of our enemy. He is using us to devalue others with what we assume to be true, what we speculate to be true. The enemy never speaks in truth, it is always a deception and never has a motive of good or for adding value to anyone.
Adjusting My Heart
I have to slow down my reactions and learn to respond. It is imperative to not react out of what I think I know. This takes more time and discipline in keeping my vital-vertical relationship with God current and my conversation with Him, constant. It is a good thing to make more time to talk to God, to listen up to His heart on the matter, to get His discernment, to be led by Him. Doing my own thing, and reacting out of how I feel in the moment, this kind of living, the “off the cuff”, it backfires on me and has the possibility of damaging relationships I am in, or even people I don’t really know, but have an opinion about. I need to live by a Kingdom perspective, not out of a worldly viewpoint.
“The Bridegroom Speaks:
Replica lifestyles are being raised up as truth to placate a prevailing political climate of disrespect, dishonor, and independence from Me and My ways. I abhor these synthetic ethics that you speak of; they have no boundaries and are established upon fickle feelings that are only capable of producing instability and sickness in the human spirit. The feel-good mentality teaches you to look out for yourself, serving no one else and taking it nice and easy, enjoying yourself because you deserve it. This is a casual and naïve trip down the complicated roads of life. It is what satan sells. This despicable imitation of truth is like having a disposable value system that symbolizes selfishness in its purest form. It is best described as a feel-good, just do it mentality, which is readily adapted by people because it does not stretch the personal comfort zone. Excerpt From “The Bridegroom’s Voice”
“Flesh Out”
Responsibility is not even a part of the do what feels good mentality. Without responsibility, we live with a lawless mentality, our souls are chaotic from the fickle feelings we chase to the frustration and discouragement of dead ends. Feelings lead us astray and we need Jesus, to pour into us rays of revelation truth. We hope for Jesus to protect us and keep us from the lies of our enemy. Many times, people who are so stuck in a fake reality, they have taken in so many false narratives that it has created a bogus realism within their mind. The worst part about a fake reality is you can be used to victimize as a deny-accuser.
“Truth In
Without responsibility. there are no boundaries in our lives and anything goes. But the truth is, if we do not serve God, we assist the enemy. This is how twisted the enemy is. This is why, we must cling to God, dig our life roots deeply in Him and stay on the shining path of His truth. Beware of the enemies deny-accuse tactic. The very evil thing our enemy is using people to do, that they are deceived to think is right, but it is wrong, they then begin falsely accusing others of doing the same thing. They project their wrong on right people. They rationalize what they are doing is not completely wrong, they deny it and do not deal with its reality of truth, except by putting it out as a false accusation on an innocent person. They falsely accuse others with what they are actually doing. Deny-Accuse. Beware of it, beware of being used by the enemy to be a false accuser.
Adjusting My Heart
Our naivety is our enemies delight. When we are not alert, he gets busy, because he can twist up deception into the biggest human mess we could never even anticipate, as we underestimate him living our nice and easy lifestyle, doing or own thing, apart from God. Sin is not easy-peasy, it is complicated, with consequences that burden us and all of those around us. People sin and are used by the enemy to falsely accuse others. If we are falsely accused of doing something we have not done, stand firm in the enemy’s lair, don’t allow discouragement into your soul, be strong in Christ and hope in His deliverance. He will break through with the light of truth in that way only He can.
The Bridegroom spoke: In the scriptures this week, search for every precept or thought that will change you into a person who is wholly full of holy truth. Record each bit you learn and write how you can choose truth in every moment, with every choice.
Scriptures For Day Three And Four
Matthew 11:25-30~ Jesus Invites Everyone to Come~ Then Jesus exclaimed, “Father, thank you, for you are Lord, the Supreme Ruler over heaven and earth! And you have hidden the great revelation of your authority from those who are proud and wise in their own eyes. Instead, you have shared it with these who humble themselves. 26 Yes, Father, your plan delights your heart, as you’ve chosen this way to extend your kingdom—by giving it to those who have become like trusting children. 27 You have entrusted me with all that you are and all that you have. No one fully and intimately knows the Son except the Father. And no one fully and intimately knows the Father except the Son. But the Son is able to unveil the Father to anyone he chooses. 28 “Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Then come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis. 29 Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please. You will find refreshment and rest in me. 30 For all that I require of you will be pleasant and easy to bear.”
“Flesh Out”
Chaos, and a lot of times violent irrational anger, always accompanies deception. What a refreshing breathe of air truth is, especially God’s truth which is breathed into a parched soul. These are tough times, really heated up with rhetoric and false narrative all over the place. Deceived people are angry, people with no common sense or compassion. The best thing for us to do, to stay out of satans traps of deception is to let go of all things you think you know, don’t act on those assumptions, speculations, opinions, theories, or presumptions. Fully face God and breathe in the fresh air and peace of God’s truth into your soul and let it be cleansed by the breath of God’s Holy Spirit of all things deception.
“Truth In”
Jesus Christ is the only legitimate supremacy on this earth. We submit our lives to Him, humbly surrendering all we think we know, to the ONE Who truly knows all. Our humility is really a gateway to His wisdom, it opens the door wide for us to hear everything He wants to say to us.
Adjusting My Heart
Jesus is the rest for our souls, He is the truth that makes a way for us to soul peace. Followship is a way of hope and truth as we join with God heart to heart and delight in our personal relationship with Him, the most vital part of our lives. If we are to be led by our Way-Maker God in times such as these, we must be connected to Him, heart to heart.
Proverbs 8:4-9 4 “I’m calling to you, sons of Adam, yes, and to you daughters as well. 5 Listen to me and you will be prudent and wise. For even the foolish and feeble can receive an understanding heart that will change their inner being. 6 The meaning of my words will release within you revelation for you to reign in life. My lyrics will empower you to live by what is right. 7 For everything I say is unquestionably true, and I refuse to endure the lies of lawlessness— my words will never lead you astray. 8 All the declarations of my mouth can be trusted; they contain no twisted logic or perversion of the truth.
9 All my words are clear and straightforward to everyone who possesses spiritual understanding. If you have an open mind, you will receive revelation-knowledge. TPT
“Flesh Out”
We have to stop bucking up our will against God’s wisdom. It is so good for us. We have a free will and God is a gentleman, Who won’t breach our will. God wants us to come to Him out of our free will and will never, like the enemy does, trick us to motivate us to do what he wants us to do. When we open our mind to Jesus, we will be intentionally kingdom cultured with God’s wisdom, and we will be changed to reflect it.
“Truth In”
Being in vital-vertical relationship with the Spirit of Truth, Jesus, is the best thing ever. We are assured to never be led astray. We can trust what God speaks is true, the purest form of truth. What God has spoken, will never be inaccurate, will always be the fullness of truth, a purity that contains incredible power, the power to transform, to change it up in us. This is why we truth in, we stay in the Bible, God’s powerful word of truth.
Adjusting My Heart
God never uses twisted logic to trick us into obeying Him. God is not deceptive in any way. He is truth that never changes. God is so straightforward with us. I love this about Him. God will never pervert the truth to get His way with us, like the enemy will. The Holy Spirit will wait on us, until we are ready to accept the truth, receive it and live out of it.
John 8:31-36~The Son Gives Freedom~31 Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “When you continue to embrace all that I teach, you prove that you are my true followers. 32 For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.” 33 Surprised by this, they said, “But we’re the descendants of Abraham and we’re already free. We’ve never been in bondage to anyone. How could you say that we will be released into more freedom?” 34 “I speak eternal truth,” Jesus said. “When you sin you are not free. You’ve become a slave in bondage to your sin. 35 And slaves have no permanent standing in a family, like a son does, for a son is a part of the family forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free from sin, then become a true son and be unquestionably free! TPT
“Flesh Out”
Disobedience to God and the sin and the sin consequences that follow, are so damaging to the freedom of our spirit. I pray we all choose to live sin free, that we think of the consequences to our freedom, before we make that wrong choice to go with what we think we know and slander another person. It is always a good hope and prayer to desire to make the right choice the first time. Words can’t be taken back.
“Truth In”
As I pray in times such as these, I am talking to God with hope that He will intervene in my chaos. So much has changed, it is overwhelming at times trying to keep up with the pace of change in our culture. So, it is kind of like a desperate thing at this point, how I am listening up to God so much more, asking for direction, not knowing what is true or false, and definitely needing His discernment. He is so faithful to lead, guide and teach in times such as these, and I am so grateful to His Holy Spirit to be taught. I know one thing is for sure, you can’t out give God. The more you give, Him total access to your life, the more He gives back with incredible, revelation-navigation. I love that about Him. He is our keeper, no doubt about that, and I love that He delivers us from every situation that is more than we can bear and yes, His peace is never far behind His deliverance. Amazing God, Who loves us so much. Our Provider, Navigator, Wisdom, Hope And Peace. Awe-GOD! We are loved so abundantly.
Adjusting My Heart
This lifestyle of making the best and right next choice is definitely a great way to live free, unencumbered by the cultural chaos of our world. Because God’s ways don’t ever seem to be the way I would take, it would seem to me that when I embrace His ways, that feel cumbersome at the time, that I would have less freedom. But I have found that obedience to God’s ways, increased freedom deep within my inner spiritual core and the burdens of life don’t seem to weigh me down as much as I lean into God’s Sovereign Sway and move with Him.
Thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today at the Groomsman’s Table. These individually prepared meals are delicious for our soul. They are filled with the flavor of God Relationship. I hope you enjoy them and I hope you purchase the book: The Bridegroom’s Voice so you can keep your own Groomsman Journal on your personal “Journey With Jesus”. God bless you, MUCH, KimberlyMac