Purge the human conditions from our heart and help us to walk in followship of You, Jesus, in the newness of Your life, led by Your Holy Spirit #OnThisDay #ThinkOnIt
Mark 7:12-13 How convenient! The rules you teach exempt him from providing for his aged parents. Do you really think God will honor your traditions passed down to others, making up these rules that nullify God’s Word? And you’re doing many other things like that.” The Passion Translation
Yoked To Rules And Traditions? Think On It!
Wow. Jesus nails it on the head of the issue. Manmade rules nullify God’s Word, they take us back under the authority of our enemy. Jesus died to set us free, we should not be yoked to tradition, we should be yoked to God’s ways, truth and life. This is the easier yoke. Jesus sacrificed His life, so we could live out of His life, not live under the suppression of the enemy and his way of lifeless religiosity.
The worship of idols involves the practice of religion. This is exactly what Romans 1 is speaking about; God is not pleased by any and all types of religious activity. Our religious activity may at times be insulting to God. Christianity itself can degenerate into being merely a religion; that is, it can have the external formal activities and sociological practices without the substance that motivates all these things—a profound love and devotion to God himself and a profound trust in Christ’s work. R.C.Sproul
Religion Or Relationship? Where are you in this? Bowing to God or rules? Think On It!
Mark 7:17-23 When Jesus went back home and away from the crowd, his disciples acknowledged that they didn’t understand the meaning of the parable and asked him to explain it. He answered them, “Are you as dull as the rest? Don’t you understand that you are not defiled by what you eat? For the food you swallow doesn’t enter your heart, but goes into your stomach, only to pass out into the sewer.” (This means all foods are clean.) He added, “Words and deeds pollute a person, not food. Evil originates from inside a person. Coming out of a human heart are evil schemes, sexual immorality theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, treachery, debauchery, jealousy, slander, arrogance, and recklessness. All these corrupt things emerge from within and constantly pollute a person. The Passion Translation
It Is Us Being Heart To Heart With God
It is not about doing these traditional things, making rules for ourselves to be more holy, it is about our hearts. If we want to be better Christians, it doesn’t come by heartless practices of discipline. If it is just about engaging our mind and will, it is all about us, it is not about Jesus. To be all in with Jesus, we must connect heart to Heart with God. Live from your heart, not your will. It is not about our doings, it is about our being found in personal relationship with God from every moment to every choice. If you keep falling into sin and it is becoming habitual, then check your heart. Where is your heart? Are you wholly-holy aligned with God in vital-vertical relationship with Him? Change it up. Make a holy alliance with God today, spirit to Spirit. Be so. Think on it!
Think About It is a great meal to nourish your mind at The Bridegroom’s Café Table, Miraculous Musing. I hope you subscribe to The Bridegroom’s Café by email, that way you don’t miss one new spiritual meal, it will be emailed to you, hot out of the oven. LOL! In today’s world, we desperately need to hear our Bridegroom, Jesus’ Voice. My devotional book, The Bridegroom’s Voice is so perfect for that. God is speaking in this book and it will be a great God Adventure for you. I highly suggest you start your Journey with Jesus today and purchase a copy here:
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