7 Day Bow Encounter

Those who have accomplished the most for God in this world are those who have been found on their knees early in the morning.” L.B.Cowman

7 Day “Bow” Encounter

Listen Up To Some Godly Wisdom That Will Change Your Life! I highly encourage you to “pick 7 days” out of your busy life-style and take a “bow encounter”. Experience God! Encounter God! Bow before God, your first step out, down in heart, bowed in awe, reverence and respect before God. Create a new spiritual habit that asks you daily: Have You Bowed In Reverence Before Your Awe God?

Develop Your Awe Of God

Express Reverence

Express Praise

Express Honor

Express Respect

Exodus 34:2-3 Get ready tomorrow morning, and come up Mount Sinai to meet me there at the top. No one is to come up with you; no one is to be seen on any part of the mountain

7 Day Bow Encounter

Reverence Of God – Awe – Respect – Honor, these are things which are becoming nonexistent in times such as these. How can we replenish our soul with the AWE of God? How can we restore reverence to our lives? I have a “bright idea” or maybe to say it in a different way, I have a challenge for you, Heart To Heart Rumble Channel. How about this? 7 Day Bow Encounter! What would happen if our first step out into our new day was to bow before God, in reverence, respect, awe and honor? I challenge us to do this for 7 days and then report back in the comment section how this new “spiritual habit” changes things up for you in your relationship with God. No doubt about it, this 7 day bow, our first step out, being bowed down before God, making that heart to heart connection with God, will definitely change things up for us. So, I highly encourage you to take the “7 Day Bow Encounter” and bow before God, connect heart to heart. Be So! Soul saturated, guarded with God’s truth and say to second-guessing, assumption, speculation, rationalization: “Not Today”! 

“Lord God, unlock my heart, unlock my lips, and I will overcome with my joyous praise! For the source of your pleasure is not in my performance or the sacrifices I might offer to you. The fountain of your pleasure is found in the sacrifice of my shattered heart before you. You will not despise my tenderness as I bow down humbly at your feet.” Psalms 51:15-17 TPT

“The morning is a critically important time of day. You must never face the day until you have faced God, nor look into the face of others until you have looked into His. You cannot expect to be victorious, if you begin your day in your own strength alone.” By: L. B. Cowman

Respect – Honor – Reverence – BOW

Be So! Bow before God, your first step out and go therefore, into your life, your sphere of influence, pure in heart, fragrant with God’s anointing, refreshed by His Spirit, replenished by His Truth and be a breath of fresh kingdom air, the reality of God’s Powerful Presence breathed in and  breathed out. In times such as these, be so, the purity of God’s righteousness, be a mirror image of God truth in this dirty-deceived and corrupted-contaminated human culture. It only takes a second to Bow! Just Breathe In God’s Awe. Respect, Honor, Reverence God. Bow! Have You Bowed Your Heart On This Day?

Dig Deeper: http://thebridegroomscafe.com/deeply-know-god/

Take your first walk with God!
Let Him go forth with thee; 
By stream, or sea, or mountain path, 
Seek still His company.
Your first transaction be
With God Himself above;
So will your business prosper well, 
All the day be love.  By Horatius Bonar

Listen Up To This 1 Minute Encouragement Video And Develop Your Awe Of God

I am standing in absolute stillness, silent before the one I love, waiting as long as it takes for him to rescue me. Only God is my Savior, and he will not fail me. For he alone is my safe place.  His wraparound presence always protects me as my champion defender. There’s no risk of failure with God! So why would I let worry paralyze me, even when troubles multiply around me? God’s glory is all around me! His wraparound presence is all I need, for the Lord is my Savior, my hero, and my life-giving strength. Trust only in God every moment! Tell him all your troubles and pour out your heart-longings to him. Believe me when I tell you—he will help you! Pause in his presence… Psalm 62:5-8

Happy Fall Y’all, You Are Loved! Listen Up To The Bridegroom’s Voice This Fall! We hope you have a beautiful and joyful fall. It is a really amazing feeling to “bow” before God for a few seconds and connect heart to heart. First step out is down, bowed. This fall season is a good time to develop the spiritual habit of bowing before God, join in the “fall down” encounter. Listen Up: Encountering God’s Awe, showing respect, reverence, honor and love for Him with our first step out, being bowed down before Him, connecting in a second, heart to heart with God. Gonna be fun developing our AWE of God! Join us if you want. fall down first step out is down. Fall down. Awe! Thanks for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe, Listener Table, we hope you enjoyed your spiritual meal. Make sure to subscribe to this website so you don’t miss one meal from Chef Jesus. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

1 comment on 7 Day Bow Encounter

  1. Have you ever made a craft and used glitter? ✨It gets all over the place and inevitably it sticks on your feet and hands and you track it wherever you go. I think about that kind of God glory, like when we meet with Him, bowing before Him in respect and reverence, in the Light of His glory, how that Awe of Him as we are in the Presence of such GLORY, it transfers on us, that glow of His, that shatters all the darkness in our soul, then we track it throughout our day, that glittery, glory glow of God, leaving it on our life path, others walk in its glory glow, and just like glitter, they pick it up and track it where they go… Glittery Glory Glow ✨

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