A Generous Heart

Giving During Hard Economic Times

These are really hard times to be a giver. Kind of stretches your faith, doesn’t it?? It was easy to give when the economy was great and there was abundance, but now, there isn’t much left between the rising inflation and the prices everywhere that has gone up… and I mean everywhere, in every area of our life. 

Giving With A “Yes” On The Table With God

Well if you are a giver gifted by God with the gift of giving, then giving is easy in all kinds of economic situations no matter what is your state of the union. Are you a giver? Has God asked you to give something to someone and you weren’t sure you could do it?  I know being a giver is not so easy-peasy at times. There can’t be any part of your self on the throne of your life if you want to be a giver for God. Your life has to be an all in with God, kind of spiritual maturity that we grow into, being wholly-holy His. What I mean by that is your YES, must be on the table with God. He asks and YES, you do it, you give. Is getting to this place possible for a person with a human condition? Our human condition mostly sports selfishness and says: Look out for ourselves first, take care of ourselves first. Hmmmmm….. What say you?

Giving With A “God Attitude”

Being a giver you have to be able to look at  giving from the lens of truth, actually this truth: “Everything you own belongs to God, and if He asks you to give something it is not something that He has not first given you.” Have you gotten there yet? Knowing in your heart that what you have is God-given and owned by Him. That takes a while to get there, but you will, you will spiritually mature day by day until you become wholly-holy His. He will finish what He started in us. Always Does!

When you lend money, don’t despair if you are never paid back, for it is not lost. You will receive a rich reward and you will be known as true children of the Most High God, having his same nature. Be like your Father who is famous for his kindness to heal even the thankless and cruel. Overflow with mercy and compassion for others, just as your heavenly Father overflows with mercy and compassion for all. Luke 6:35-36

Giving Immediately-Obediently

I have gone through learning and experiencing a lot of things about giving. I would give my last dollar to someone if God asked me too. Why? Because I have experienced how He gives it right back. Let me give you a sweet example of that: Once He asked me to give someone  one hundred dollars, and I did it, no questions asked. It met a need that they had which I did not know about. The next day, I was packing for a weekend trip, and I used a suitcase that I had not used in a long time, and I found a 100 dollar bill in it. This is how God rolls!

Give generously and generous gifts will be given back to you, shaken down to make room for more. Abundant gifts will pour out upon you with such an overflowing measure that it will run over the top! The measurement of your generosity becomes the measurement of your return. Luke 6:38

Giving Generously

I truly have loved learning to activate the gift of giving, the  generosity of spirit God puts in each one of us. We were made in His image, therefore we are generous people, because He is an abundantly generous God. That is why when God speaks into my heart to give, I give, immediately, no questions asked. I trust He knows the needs better than I could ever know, and He will return it more than 100 fold back to me. I have seen Him do that so many times now. Jesus is such a generous giver and we can be too.

Here’s my point. A stingy sower will reap a meager harvest, but the one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest. Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving—all because God loves hilarious generosity! Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything —every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do. Just as the Scriptures say about the one who trusts in him : Because he has sown extravagantly and given to the poor, his kindness and generous deeds will never be forgotten. 2 Corinthians 9:6-9

Giving Openhandedly

I grown to realize that giving is something you do openhandedly. If  God says to give, you give, and you let it go, and don’t look back. You never make the person you gave to feel like they owe you, because they don’t. Truly as we give, we don’t even need to have a thank you, or a pat on the back, or any kind of acknowledgment. Why? Because we give from God, not from us. Giving without the need to be recognized, this is joyful giving like no other because it is between you and God alone. 

So when you give to the poor, don’t announce it and make a show of it just to be seen by people, like the hypocrites in the streets and in the marketplace. They’ve already received their reward! But when you demonstrate generosity, do it with pure motives and without drawing attention to yourself. Give secretly and your Father, who sees all you do, will reward you openly. Matthew 6:2-4

Giving Out Of Lack

When God asks, I never think about what it will personally cost me. Yes, sometimes He asks me to give and it is not out of my surplus, but out of my need. Once I watched my mom give away her last 100 dollars to someone who had no food, and that next week, God gave it right back to her by a donation of food to our family. She obeyed God and He took care of that family, and then gave our family what we needed, when we needed it. As a giver for God, you will never go without. God will always provide what you need in the day at hand. 

A Cheerful Giver

Giving is especially beautiful as You give open handedly, open heartedly, and joyfully, in obedience to God’s asking, and then move on like you have never given to the person God asked you to give to. This brings much joy to your soul, being used by God, and also develops your spiritual maturity into being a cheerful giver. 

Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Cafe. We hope the spiritual meal on The Smorgasbord Table was soul nourishing for you. We hope you will share this post link to people on your social medial outreach platforms. Thank for doing that, it helps us. We also hope you subscribe to this website so you don’t miss one spiritual meal cooked up here. Our Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/KimberlyMac also very amazing with its 1 Minute Encouragement Videos. We hope you subscribe to it too. God bless you, KimberlyMac, Author

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