Broken People Break People

“I woke up this morning, wide awake at 4am. When that happens, I know God wants me to pray about something and to say something. Over all the years of being His exhorter, having the gift of exhortation, we have a sensitivity between us and I know time to listen closely is here and this morning, I knew I was to pray it up for all humanity. I write this after an early morning listening up to God’s heart for us all.” KimberlyMac

The Corrupted Soul Of Humanity

Evil has just run amuck in our hearts and we are a broken humanity. As we turn farther away from You, Lord, our human condition corrupts and the influence of evil permeates our soul. Broken people break people. We were created in Your Image, Lord God, shaped and destined in our mother’s womb as male or female. By Your hands, we were uniquely designed as Your Word specified. We think we can usurp this design and shake ourselves free of our heavenly purpose, and in doing so, taking our God given destiny and willfully making ourselves into what “we feel” we want to be, we have corrupted the soul of humanity and played right into the enemy of our soul’s deception for us. In light of this disrespect for the Sovereignty of God, the enemy of God can easily steal our purpose, wound our soul, and destroy our God given purpose. In times such as these, we are experiencing the destruction of personal destiny, as the enemy is trying to confuse our genders. Women have taken a beating from the woke culture who doesn’t know what a woman is and has defined a woman right out of existence. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video and hear the truth:

Compassion – Civility – Common Sense

Men and Women were shaped by God with compassion, common sense, and civility. In our corrupted state of soul, our will is bent toward evil desires, we have idolized self and we sacrifice our compassion, common sense, and civility towards God and others to serve no power higher than self. We feed and feed our flesh, and it is never satisfied. We never have enough self-power, self-rights, self-pleasure, self-gratifying, self-enrichment, self-pleasure, to fill the aching void of our created need to be in relationship with a higher power, a power higher than self, our Almighty God. Nothing God has created satisfies us as we focus on what we think we know and what we think we want. We are a confused people, a broken people, breaking people. How do we navigate these times? Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video for some God wisdom.

Got Peace

To live like this is all the more urgent, for time is running out and you know it is a strategic hour in human history. It is time for us to wake up! For our full salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes . And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon. We must live honorably, surrounded by the light of this new day, not in the darkness of drunkenness and debauchery, not in promiscuity and sensuality, not being argumentative or jealous of others. Instead fully immerse yourselves into the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, and don’t waste even a moment’s thought on your former identity to awaken its selfish desires. Romans 13:11-14


In our human clamoring to be visible, viable and validated, we are tricked by our enemy to kill, steal and destroy. Being used for his evil purposes, we fall for the temporary and give up our eternal design to be wholly-holy Gods forever. Our hearts, human beings, without God, have become, desperately wicked and hard hearted 🖤. So much in our society has shadowy motives that are carried out in the dark. So many of us human beings are shamefully doing wicked things. We are a society that has secreted sin, while our outward, social facade plasters selfies and snap chats that deceive and validate our fake reality, trying to prove to all that all is well with our soul. Fakness is so prevalent in our society, and fakeness is trying to fit in and feel valuable, viable and validated through misrepresentations of who we really are, and what the reality of truth is in our life. Why are we trying to fit in and be validated by people, when we were created to stand out on the truth of God? Listen up to this amazing wisdom about why we don’t need to self-validate to be viable, and to be seen. The truth is, God sees us, God validates us with His Image.1 Minute Encouragement Video:

Feed The Fake

In this generation, our time is used to make Tic Toc videos of our fake reality, and we have become selfies of falsity, and our snap chat video is complete with false narratives that support our fake reality. We censor all truth out of our heart, and our heart becomes divided by our fake reality and our reality of truth. We have a religiosity of convenience, as this generation of a compartmentalized heart only lets God have Sunday, and the rest of the week, we do our thing. We feed the fake reality, becoming more and more deceived by our enemy. Influenced by evil, we accept a deplorable life style, as our new normal, distorting all morality in our comfortable bubble of deception, we have lives that see good as bad and bad as good. The one reality of truth that does stand out on this day is that apart from God, we are horrendous human beings, we are not good.

O my soul, you have said to the Lord , “You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.” I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope. Psalms 16:2,7-9

Illegitimate Supremacy

We have been usurping the Sovereignty of God, disrespecting it totally by taking on God’s roles. We think we are the savior, we are the fixer, we think we are the creator and within the navigation of evil, we hold on to our right to be right. Why? We want to be in control of our destiny and in doing so, we destroy innocence, purity and godliness in the generation we were gifted by God to raise in His way, truth and life. Children, teens and young adults are soul suffering more under this generation of illegitimate supremacy than we could ever begin to imagine or wrap our mind around. God’s heart is broken by our gross disobedience, and our deplorable actions. Broken people break people in this generation, through illegitimate supremacy. We can’t handle God’s Supremacy and when we try, it doesn’t end well. Listen Up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video: Into The Weeds


God has said “enough”! We can’t save, we can’t fix and we can’t lead others to truth and life in this corrupted human condition. We have taken on an illegitimate supremacy that human beings can’t even begin to handle and we have corrupted our society. God is and has been on the move, exposing our evil, bringing our dark secrets into the Light of His Truth, and expunging the lies of the enemy through His thwarting of our evil deeds. In a time, such as this, the corrupted hearts of human beings are being fully exposed by His Light, there is no more hiding in the dark or secreting sins. The truth is roaring loudly by God’s Huge Roar, into our cultural chaos. Therefore, we can’t help but see all the exposed deception, and be completely overwhelmed by it. It is a time such as now, that we need to  turn to fully face our God, bowing before Him and yielding our lives back to Him.

No Man – No Event Can Save Us

God is the God of Justice, and injustice has been rampant in our society because of broken people breaking people, underneath the hardness of illegitimate authority. A human supremacy of human beings over human beings, is an absolute corruptible power, incredibly so. God is working in the unseen to fix this human condition, and we are going to see something HUGE, He is going to do something to grab all of our attention in such a way that we will not be able to doubt it is Him. For those of you who are looking to a man or an event to save us, this will not be so. God will save us, God will draw us back to Himself, God will make crooked places straight, and there will be a wholly-holy aligning with His Kingdom as masses of people are restored back underneath His Rulership of love. AweGOD.

Never Underestimate Evil

We are told to not underestimate the power of evil, but now we see in the Light of God’s reality of truth. Connected to God we are no longer tricked by this evil, temporary authority. We have an Eternal God, an all-knowing God, unlimited in time, power, wisdom, and supremacy. Our One True Triune God, loves us completely and has pursed humanity from generation to generation. God is faithfully for us, His trustworthiness abounding unto us. This Advocate God, unconditionally has loved us with a forever covenant. Our Father God, The Proof, Our Jesus, The Proven, and Our Holy Spirit, The Prover, is a complete Advocacy with us and for us. We need to leave behind our illegitimate supremacy, and cling to the One True God, Whose Supremacy is that of a Servant Warrior, a Tender Warrior, Who is fierce in His love for us. Step into a new day with Jesus. Do not be deceived any longer, God is exposing and expunging evil. Now we see the reality of our deplorable human condition, that apart from God, we are not good. In this season where God purposefully is exposing our wickedness, hanging out our dirty laundry, humbling us, we can clearly see that serving no power higher than self-power has taken humanity to a really dark corrupted human condition. Our human race is tainted and broken, unfixable, and not able to be saved by human means. Broken people, break people and the heartache of this generation is great, but we can be born again, giving our lives to Jesus Christ, and step into a new day with God, our Healer, Restorer and Redeemer.

Expose – Expunge

We all matter to God; what we need in this generation is to show God He matters to us. Deception is rampant in times such as these, it brings with it disunity among us. We need to get back to the basics of what we have in common. Our common denominator is Jesus Christ, and one day, all of humanity will bow to Him. As evil, wicked hearts are being exposed and expunged, our society has culturally corrupted, because now we see just how far we have fallen away from godliness. People are so mean spirited, as it is the cancel culture who determines your worth to society in times such as these. Lawlessness is growing and day after day, more wickedness is exposed, and it makes us soul sick. It is overwhelming at times to actually see the true intent of evil, to see wickedness being exposed and carried out in front of our eyes, emboldened and no longer hidden. The devil daily over plays his hand, and more and more people are longing for the peace of God, the soul peace that comes when they turn their hearts and lives back to God and realize it is the purity of righteousness in Christ, which soul saturates with the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Yield To God’s Supremacy

The best God advice from this prayer mentor is for all of us, and it is to wholly-holy turn back to God. In our humanity, we can’t finish well without Him, we were created with eternity in our hearts, His Word was written in our hearts, His Imaged sealed upon our spirit, and there is no real life without being connected heart to heart with God. He waits with arms open wide for us to return wholly-holy to Him, to forsake our illegitimate self-power, and yield our lives to His Sovereignty, a legitimate Supremacy, all in with us and for us. We are not the Savior, Jesus is. We are not the Redeemer, the Father God is. We are not the Fixer, the Holy Spirit is. We need to let go and let God work, wholly holy align ourselves with Him and His Kingdom, and become all He created, shaped and purposefully destined us to be. This is real life, this is real love, this is truth, reality of truth alive in us, experiencing relationship with God, making it personal with His Holy Spirit, heart to heart. Real Love ~Real Life.

Do You Choose Temporary Or Permanent?

The Way-Maker God, the One Who sees us, knows everything about us, wants to love us completely and be in personal relationship with us. This is real life, living in Christ, in relationship with our Father God, navigated from truth to truth, faith to faith and strength to strength, we grow through this life with our God, from here to there unto forever. This is real life, living in the reality of God’s truth and soul flourishing in His peace. This is a choice of permanent reality of truth over temporary fake reality. From every moment to every choice, we can be navigated by God’s Holy Spirit. Yielding our will and leaning into His Sovereign sway, we are equipped and empowered to grow through, becoming everything God designed for us to be. This is our legacy, becoming living truth, that leads the next generation to real life and reality of truth in Christ Jesus. Come back to Jesus, His way, truth and life, and never look back to self-dependence, move forward in God, in the new life He has gifted us with, the great God adventure He has for us. This is real love. AweGOD!

Through our union with Christ we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance. Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. He is given to us like an engagement ring, as the first installment of what’s coming! He is our hope-promise of a future inheritance which seals us until we have all of redemption’s promises and experience complete freedom—all for the supreme glory and honor of God! Ephesians 1:11,14

Thank you for stopping into the Bridegroom’s Cafe today at The Prayer Mentor Table. This spiritual meal was a feast for our soul and we hope you are filled to overflowing with wisdom and exhortation of God. Please share this with other people using your social media platforms. We really appreciate that. It is important that everyone get an opportunity to hear The Bridegroom’s Voice. God Bless ya, Kimberly Mac

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