I love to journal; it really clarifies things for me when I write them. I guess that was the way I was shaped. I like working things out with words. Every month I keep a journal. I put everything in there from my Constant Conversation with God. This way, I can remember and have some amazing heavenly hindsight to look at and continue to learn from. The Holy Spirit also can use my journals that I have written over the years for recall. He will bring something up to me and I will share it with others, or just recall the wisdom in it and apply it to my day. Today, you as a reader get to experience bits and pieces from one of my monthly journals from a month this year. This blog post will not be perfect in grammar or style, it is taken right out of my journals, so it may be a bit of a sloppy post. Sometimes sloppy is a fun spiritual smorgasbord. I know you can endure it! LOL! Enjoy The Smorgasbord and be blessed by my mess and God’s Message!

My Groomsman’s Journaling
Everything My Father God does; His motive is trustworthy and true and He is working out my salvation to finish what He started in me. To be victorious, I must keep reverence, respect and honor in my relationship with Him. He is my God, I am His child. He will always care for me, making choices for me that will produce His best for me. My God is trustworthy, I do not need to question His ways. I need to believe this incredible God, Who loves me more than life, Who has sacrificed for me so I might have an incredible, future a forever without pain, confusion, hurt, wounding, sorrow, crying, pain or death. He has provided me a victory that I can live in and out of while I am here in this place, in this barren and parched land, I have the living water of life, it springs up from my soul and refreshes all those around me.
I am warning you, My bride, your unbelief grieves Me; it influences your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors. You question Me as one who thinks she knows it all, yet unlike Me you only see in part. Do you think you have sufficient wisdom from your life-experiences to create the all-inclusive perfect plan for your life? My promised bride, your insecurity causes you to be tossed back and forth between My wisdom and your understanding and this will be a turbulent ride for your mind.
“It is the grace of endurance granted to you by the God of endurance that provides you with everything you need to continue to be what He calls you to be and do what He calls you to do between this moment and the moment when you cross over to the other side. When difficulty exposes the weakness of your resolve and the limits of your strength, you do not have to panic, because He will endure even in those moments when you don’t feel able to do so yourself.” Paul Tripp

Psalm 86:5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. #DigDeeper https://thebridegroomscafe.com/2020-awe-god/
Psalm 33:4-5 For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything He does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth.
Can God be trusted with the ugliest of our human nature? But we don’t trust Him with it and we try to carry it alone and what a huge burden it becomes for us and is always more than we can handle.
Psalm 33: 11-17 His destiny-plan for the earth stands sure. His forever-plan remains in place and will never fail. 12Blessed and prosperous is that nation who has God as their Lord! They will be the people he has chosen for his own.13-15The Lord looks over us from where he rules in heaven. Gazing into every heart from his lofty dwelling place, he observes all the peoples of the earth. The Creator of our hearts considers and examines everything we do. 16Even if a king has the best-equipped army, it would never be enough to save him. Even if the best warrior went to battle, he could not be saved simply by his strength alone. 17Human strength and the weapons of man are false hopes for victory; they may seem mighty but they will always disappoint. TPT
Absolutely Corrupted
Our hearts are breaking as we watch our beloved country and our freedom come under siege by the enemy of our soul through powerful deception and trickery. Our nation is ravaged by the enemy of our soul with spiritual disease as the Cancel God culture presses forward with their agenda in our country. People know no power higher than self and as is of this kind of absolute power, it has absolutely corrupted or nation. We are in desperate need to be awakened to God, the Creator of our country and the One Who has destined it with great purpose. We may be very nauseating right in the eyes of God now as a country, but because of God’s great mercy, forgiveness and healing, we do not have a incurable condition. The state of our union is deplorable, but God is at work in the unseen to cleanse us and reset our purpose. Let’s pray for our nation that we will repent, turn to God, look to God and in followship of Him, change it up to God’s righteousness, peace and joy.
Proverbs 14:34 A nation is exalted by the righteousness of its people, but sin heaps disgrace upon the land. https://thebridegroomscafe.com/found-deficient/
“The entire hope of fallen humanity rests on this one thing—that there is a Savior who is eternally steadfast in redeeming, forgiving, reconciling, transforming, and delivering love. Without this, the Bible is a book of interesting stories and helpful principles, but it is devoid of any power to fix what sin has broken.” David Tripp Psalm 136
Lift Up Your Heads And Look Up! our Advocate, Who will never forsake us or betray us, our Keeper, Whose Kingdom is ours, and is our hope of glory. Why are your eyes cast down? Lift Up Your Heads And Look Up! Engage with Our Advocate, Who will never forsake us or betray us, Who is working in the unseen for our good. Get #HeartTOHeart with our Keeper, our Way-Maker God, Whose Kingdom is ours, and Who is our hope of glory.
The Bridegroom’s Café
Let the light of the True revelation, Jesus Christ, personally light your every step. God promised us that His Word would light our way, He is our Navigator, a personal Advocate like no other. The Truth of Jesus broadcasted by the Power of His Holy Spirit, is an emergency broadcasting system like no other, for times such as these. Listen Up to God’s Holy Spirit. Listen Up To God’s Word and hear the warning and gain the wisdom.
We appeal to the Supreme Judge of the universe. We decree deliverance and all false gods be broken off of us, our inheritance restored and for God’s mercy over judgment. We decree God will restore our destiny. God is not finished with us. Dutch Sheets

ALL OF US, at some time or another, we have served or are still serving no power higher than self. When you turn on the bright light of humility, the darkness shatters in your soul as the light of God’s way and truth shines forth.
Me having to be right may be absolutely wrong in this moment of relationship strife. I need to learn to wait on God. God is the Only One Who is right and He makes wrong things balance out justly because He knows all, He knows the purposes He has set in play in our lives. The truth is, we never truly “know” what we “think we know”. https://thebridegroomscafe.com/wait-for-it/
Psalm 85:6-7 Revive us again, O God! I know you will! Give us a fresh start! Then all your people will taste your joy and gladness. 7 Pour out even more of your love on us! Reveal more of your kindness and restore us back to you!
I know when we are backed up against the wall by our enemy, who is about to take us out, and it appears our enemy is winning the battle using deception, cheating, fraud and trickery, that this is not the time to kindle our own fires and walk by the light of a man-made fire that will flame out. (Isaiah 50:10-11) I know, without a doubt that our Way-Maker God will break through this dark night with a brilliant light of the Reality of Truth.
“What theology are you teaching yourself in the midst of suffering? Are you looking to the Lord for your deliverance? Pray that God would give you life and hope through believing the truth of His word, and that your theology in suffering would be shaped by it.” Paul Tripp
I need to change the focus of my expectations from this world to God’s Kingdom. I need to stretch past my grief of loss here, to my gain of eternity and speak to myself the reality of truth of my future hope that no man can fraud, steal or destroy. I have a future and a hope. It is time to stretch my heart past the circumstances of this world, to the wisdom, hope and joy of the Kingdom of God where I do belong. I need to not walk in the defeat of the human condition, but walk in and out of the victory of Jesus, which transformed humanity in that forever kind of way.
People try to change things up by the cultural tides rolling in and out with a cultural say so that is topsy-turvy nonsense, which tries to say good is bad and bad is good. This is temporary, because every dark night ushered in by the bad trends of a Cancel God cultural tide, is always shattered by the Light of God’s Truth. Hope in the dark, watch, wait and see the Glory of God.
Securely Anchored To God, We Can Patiently Endure The Tests Of These Times. The Cancel God Culture Is In Full Bashing And Crashing, Punishing And Hurting People Mode. Anchored To GOD We Will Prevail This Storm Until He Comes And Delivers Us From It.
“Never doubt in the DARK what God told you in the LIGHT.”
― V. Raymond Edman
The Bridegroom’s Voice Week One
God’s love does not fail us, in fact has never, ever failed us. You can’t say that about anyone in this world, but You can say that about Him. God’s love is an overcoming force of courage with a never-ending flow of peace. Courage: The God Grit to do things we are very uncomfortable doing. This bravery gets it’s influence over us as we open our hearts wide to God and receive His Love. God’s love is braided with cords of strength, potential and hope. If hope was a color, the name of the color would be faithfulness because God color’s our hope in His trustworthy faithfulness. God’s love, flows on the wings of His Peace, His Prince of Peace, Jesus.
Jeremiah 31:3 Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” NLT
The Bridegroom’s Café
https://thebridegroomscafe.com/one-thing-remains/ There have been times in my life where I said: “Really God”, I can’t do this, You have picked the wrong person.” Sometimes in our lives, we do face very hard things, doctors reports for loved ones that we know we don’t have the strength for the journey ahead. Life on this earth can be very overwhelming at times, but God has promised us a strength like no other, and equips us to grow through these times where we feel we can’t make it through. God never gives us more than He has equipped us to handle.
Light! How we could use some like right now. Darkness! This is temporary, because every dark night ushered in by the bad trends of cultural tides, are always shattered by the Light of God’s Truth. Hope in the dark, watch, wait and see the Glory of God.
Good Morning Manna
Psalm 11: 1-3; 7-8 Praise the Lord! I will thank the Lord with all my heart as I meet with his godly people. 2 How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them 3 Everything he does reveals his glory and majesty. His righteousness never fails. 7 All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy.8 They are forever true, to be obeyed faithfully and with integrity. NLT
Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/trustworthy-god/
“Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. 3 You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters[g] will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities. 4 Do not fear, for your shame is no more. Do not be embarrassed, for you will not be disgraced. You will forget the inadequacy you felt in your youth and will no longer remember the shame of your widowhood. 5 For your Maker is your husband; His name is Yahweh, Commander of Angel Armies! Your Kinsman-Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel! He has the title Mighty God of All the Earth! Isaiah 54 The Passion Translation
The Bridegroom’s Voice Week One – Love
“My Bride, when you say I am “your true love” what do you mean by that? To you, is the meaning of true love the ability to trust in the commitment and promises that I made to you, despite your state of affairs?” Excerpt The Bridegroom’s Voice
My Thoughts:
Despite my state of affairs, will I still love and trust God? I don’t know. Isn’t that a sad answer? He never gave up on me, He never forsook me, but I am not sure I can do the same. My state of affairs is pretty crappy right now with what appears to be happening in our nation. I have waivered between belief and doubt, I have not stayed steady in my faith. Everything I know of my freedom and my God given right to be free, the freedom I have experienced all these years is eroding and it even looks like we may lose our freedom as a nation. The worst part of it is that it has been cheated away and so many people have been deceived to believe that good is bad and bad is good. I hate it. I can’t imagine that God would let it stand, because I believe that He is nothing like this, but I keep wavering between doubt and faith. I believe in Him, but I don’t always believe Him. This is my state of affairs and yes, I do want to change it.
“Bride, will you chose to let go of your preconceived plans and your personal agendas and find the newness of My presence, My love, and My truth in every situation you encounter?”
Have faith in God. Do not go by what you see, stretch past your worldly viewpoint. There is so much going on in the unseen, for our good and God’s glory. Today is a day for trust in a trustworthy God, a day to celebrate our citizenship in the Kingdom of God. We need to be Awe-God grateful today for the Supremacy of Jesus Christ, unshakeable, unremovable, present with us. We need to lift our hearts in praise and bow before Jesus, Who was, is and is to come. Awe-God! It is a wonder filled day to be thankful and stand in Awe for God’s Rulership of Love, a powerful love, no one and nothing can separate us from. Abba Father! God, our Father Who art in heaven hallowed be Your name, our Advocate, Who will never forsake us or betray us, our Keeper, Whose Kingdom is our forever home, and is our hope of glory. Awe-GOD!
Thanks for coming into the Bridegroom’s Café for a Smorgasbord of delight, a buffet of different spiritual foods from a month long of gathering ingredients that you will find only at the Miraculous Musing Table. Hope you were especially blessed by one of these delightful morsels in our Constant Conversation with God here, where we daily listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice. God bless you, Much, KimberlyMac