Father God, You are the Almighty, Faithful God. You know all and see all. Nothing comes as a surprise to You. You know the future, including its tragic regrettable turns. When You make a promise there is no obstacle that can come against it. You love faithfulness, but You can work through those who stumble every step of the way. May we never give up but continue to fulfill Your purpose in our lives. Your promise will stand in spite of our flaws. Amen! Donnis Steele
Disappointments Derail Us
God can still work through me even though I stumble into the flesh, He still loves me, He is still for me even when I have fallen. When I trip over disappointment, God picks me up and helps me find my way back to the narrow path of His perfect will. Disappointment derails my emotions and reveals my flawed human condition. Fleshing out is not my best course of action, yet when I confess my sinful reactions of my flesh to God, I know, without a doubt, He forgives me and is ready for us to move on from this crooked place I have been diverted too. God makes my crooked places into a straight path to His will, He helps me work out my salvation, growing through disappointment to being a person who is more faithful to Him. It is God’s endgame for me to not only believe in Him, but to believe Him, standing firmly on the side of the truth of His Promises, and reacting less by my fickle emotions. God wants to change this up in me.
Believers Shine Like Lights in the World~ My beloved ones, just like you’ve always listened to everything I’ve taught you in the past, I’m asking you now to keep following my instructions as though I were right there with you. Now you must continue to make this new life fully manifested as you live in the holy awe of God—which brings you trembling into his presence. God will continually revitalize you, implanting within you the passion to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:12-13 The Passion Translation
React Or Respond? This Is The Choice
When I am disappointed, I will naturally react, or for a better way of saying it, “flesh out”. An improved spiritual habit needs to be set into place. When I exchange God’s Promises for my worldly viewpoint, I begin seeing through His Kingdom Perspective. How can I take this and practically practice it in my life? My impetuous emotions are an obstacle for me. If I take these impulsive feelings to God, share them, give Him my dashed expectations, He will exchange them for His Promises. Why is this best? Because it leans me into the Sovereign Sway of God and keeps me on course with His Will for me.
I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind—he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect—life in its fullness until you overflow! 11 I am the Good Shepherd who lays down my life as a sacrifice for the sheep. But the worker who serves only for wages is not a real shepherd. Because he has no heart for the sheep he will run away and abandon them when he sees the wolf coming. And then the wolf mauls the sheep, drags them off, and scatters them. “I alone am the Good Shepherd, and I know those whose hearts are mine, for they recognize me and know me, just as my Father knows my heart and I know my Father’s heart. I am ready to give my life for the sheep. John 10:9-15 TPT
The Devil’s Bag Of “D’s”
Disappointment is divisively planned by my enemy to distract me from God’s plan for me and detour me with the devilish obstacles of dissatisfaction, discontentment, and discouragement, which all can knock out my wholly-holy alignment with God. I have an enemy, I need not underestimate his power to come into the door of my heart which has been cracked opened by me, as I leaned into life’s disappointments, instead of trusting in God. Emotional navigation will take us off course, but we are never out of God’s reach. He fights for us, for His way, truth and life to be established at the center of our life-path. He does not leave us, He does not forsake us, He waits for us to respond to Him and then in that way only He can, He corrects our course.

Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For he brings both ruin and revival. He’s the one who makes conflicts end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon of war. Surrender your anxiety! Be silent and stop your striving and you will see that I am God. I am the God above all the nations, and I will be exalted throughout the whole earth. Here he stands! The Commander! The mighty Lord of Angel Armies is on our side! The God of Jacob fights for us! Pause in his presence. Psalm 46:9-11 The Passion Translation
Rehearse The Promises Of God
When I choose to cling to the Promises of God, let go of disappointment, turn from it and fully face God, the devil’s dastardly placed obstacles do not invoke my human flaws nor entice my emotional outburst; instead they increase my faith and steady my faithfulness to God. Obstacles strewn into my path by my enemy, cannot interrupt the way of God’s Will for me, as I cling to the Promises of God which are never deterred by the obstacles of the enemy of my soul. When disappointments suddenly pop up in my life, my best course of action is to rehearse the Promises of God, which no obstacle can deter. We are promised confidence and peace in Him.
The work of righteousness is peace, and the result of righteousness is quietness and confidence forever. My people will live free from worry in secure, quiet homes of peace. No matter if hail destroys the forest and the city is leveled, you will be happy and blessed as you sow your seed beside every stream and loose your ox and donkey to graze freely. Isaiah 32:17-20 The Passion Translation
God’s Got A Breakthrough
When I choose to listen to the deception of my enemies small talk, the assumptions, the presumptions, and I speculate on the why of my life disappointments, I take my eyes off of Jesus and become human will-powered to fix the navigational problem, to rechart my course, focused on the obstacle, instead of the promises of God. This human idiocy derails my soul and I find myself on the crooked path of my human nature, being crazily steered by my fickle emotions and unstable in all my ways. God’s Voice will break through my dark emotions, He is famous for this kind of spiritual warfare. If I listen up to God, in due time, all will be well again.
Truth’s Shining Light~ Truth’s shining light guides me in my choices and decisions; the revelation of your word makes my pathway clear. To live my life by your righteous rules has been my holy and lifelong commitment. I’m bruised and broken, overwhelmed by it all; breathe life into me again by your living word. Lord, receive my grateful thanks and teach me more of how to please you. Psalm 119:105-108 The Passion Translation
God’s Divine Intervention
God always intervenes on my behalf, even when my God-given common sense has been flawed by disappointment. A little course direction comes when the still small voice of the Holy Spirit, my Advocate’s voice, breaks through the cloud of confusion with His Light, in that miraculous way where the false narrative of the enemy can’t stand up to the revealed light of God’s Truth. I listen up, look up, fully facing God, He shines His light of Truth and as I respond to Him, He makes my crooked path of disappointment, straight.
For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 The Passion Translation
God’s promises are stronger than my will bucked up by disappointment and will disrupt the path of my reaction and navigate my soul, wholly-holy positioning me in the way of a right response, which keeps me faithful to the character of God. The vital-vertical relationship I have with God, keeps me from stumbling through life, led by my emotions. I am weakened by life’s disappointments, but purposefully so, they make me stronger in God’s strength as I let Him guide me through the obstacles of disillusionment, distress, despair and hopelessness. He is my Way-Maker God. God’s Promises make a way for me, where there seems to be no way. I cling to Him, My Promise Keeper. I focus on God’s Promises, keeping them in my sight, casting down the vain imaginations of disappointment and replacing them with the Reality of Truth.

Growing Through Disappointment
On evil scheme of disappointment is to derail my trail, by its deceptive navigation of my way by using fear to drive me off course. I have learned to make the better choice of yielding my soul to the Promises of God, clinging to them, instead of stumbling through fleshed out emotions. When the obstacle of disappointment is strewn into my life path, I can grow through this dissatisfaction, without discontentment disrupting my way as I cling to the Promises of God, which no devilish obstacle can derail. I am free in Christ, this is my identity. I realize my heritage as a Child of the Living God, Almighty in power, abundant in lavished love. I belong to Him. Disappointment has no power over me. I am underneath the rulership of God’s love.
“Intentionally Kingdom Cultured, I have purposed in my heart that my enemy will not disrupt God’s plan for me by my foolish reaction to life disappointments. God is my source of strength. I cling to God, I dig my life roots deeply into His way, truth and life. I stay the course of God’s Will for me as I stand on the side of His Truth. God’s Promises are never derailed by the devil’s disappointments when I stay in a vital-vertical relationship with God. No doubt about it.” KimberlyMac
Purchase The Bridegroom’s Voice

Thank you for stopping into the Prayer Mentor Table. Today’s meal was very nourishing to our soul. The Word of God is mighty in pulling down the strongholds of deception. This is why I highly suggest you purchase, “The Bridegroom’s Voice” as it is a Daily Journey with Jesus and His Word. Please share this meal today with all those you know who are boxed in by disappointment and discouragement. Don’t miss a single meal served at The Bridegroom’s Café. Subscribe today by email God bless you Much, KimberlyMac