You’re only truly happy when you walk in total integrity, walking in the light of God’s word. What joy overwhelms everyone who keeps the ways of God, those who seek him as their heart’s passion! They’ll never do what’s wrong but will always choose the paths of the Lord. God has prescribed the right way to live: obeying his laws with all our hearts. How I long for my life to bring you glory as I follow each and every one of your holy precepts! Then I’ll never be ashamed, for I take strength from all your commandments. I will give my thanks to you from a heart of love and truth. And every time I learn more of your righteous judgments, I will be faithful to all that your word reveals—so don’t ever give up on me! Psalm 119:1-8 The Passion Translation
Mom’s ~ We Are God Gifted
What an incredible gift God’s Word is to us moms and grandmas! It is the strength of our lives as we love our family with the overflow of God’s life strengthening word, which increases our faith and strengthens our hope with the tenacity of His Holy Spirit. The Word of God shapes us as moms and grandmas so we can be used by God to help shape the hearts of the next generation. The Word of God is living hope, it is God’s strength, wisdom, love and encouragement as we sacrificially love those God has related us to in relationships which He purposefully creates for a time such as this. God is Masterful at designing relationships, with great kingdom purpose. We all are intentionally kingdom cultured by a Master Sculpture. It is in our best interest to sit in the Potter’s chair as He tenderly shapes us, responding to the Potter’s touch, as pliable clay in His Hands as He designs a masterpiece of His glory called “Mom”.
God’s Heart Is Open Wide To Moms
God loves moms, they are so close to His heart. He created and placed them purposefully in the lives of their husbands, children and grandchildren. God has positioned His mom’s for a times such as this. His spiritual moms are strengthened by His Holy Spirit for times such as these, they connected to Him, heart to heart, have a strong inner spiritual core and no enemy will hold them back from the purpose God has designed them for. God has a plan for moms and it is a good plan with a great endgame. God’s purposes are in play throughout this world through the hearts of His moms.
A Gift Of God’s Word ~ A Song Of Trust
Psalm 20:1-3 In your day of danger may the Lord answer and deliver you. May the name of the God of Jacob set you safely on high! May supernatural help be sent from his sanctuary. May he support you from Zion’s fortress! May he remember every gift you have given Him and celebrate every sacrifice of love you have shown him.
My Mom Was Created Just For Me
Moms and Grammys are such a God gift. They mother us in that way only they have been intentionally designed by God to do. Every mom is equipped by God to mother those He has divinely put in their lives. Your mom, had the divine intervention of God’s shaping to bring out the best in you, to grow you through from infant to adult. God created a mom just for us and she has ministered the grace of God, the wisdom of God, the love of God through the very way He designed and purposefully shaped her to be. She, this mom, this spiritual mom, this Grammy of God’s choice for you, has blessed you in that way Your Creator God has purposefully designed for you. Love her, honor her on this Mother’s Day and bless and praise God Who gifted her to you. You are Who You are because of God, and she is Who she is, your mom, your grandmother, because of Gods choice for you.
Psalm 20: 4-6 Pause in his presence~ May God give you every desire of your heart and carry out your every plan as you go to battle. When you succeed, we will celebrate and shout for joy. Flags will fly when victory is yours! Yes, God will answer your prayers and we will praise him! I know God gives me all that I ask for and brings victory to his anointed king. My deliverance cry will be heard in his holy heaven. By his mighty hand miracles will manifest through his saving strength.

Give Honor To Whom Honor Is Due
The miracle of family is incredible in how God puts together families. He has been relational from the beginning, a three in one God. The Father is our Proof, Jesus is Our Proven and the Holy Spirit is our Prover. The Triune God is relational and God loves to be in relationship with us. Mothers are the heart of the home, God created it to be that way. He established relationship and He maintains it in that way only He can. Everyone is comfortable with the mothering of a woman, who is compassionate, kind and wise. God uses moms to shape our lives and help us “grow through” to adulthood. Great honor is due to motherhood. May God give moms the desire of their hearts, answer their prayers, endow them with saving strength and bless them with success.
Mom’s Find The Greatest Strength In God
Psalm 20: 7-9 Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in the Lord our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! Our enemies will not prevail; they will only collapse and perish in defeat while we will rise up, full of courage. Give victory to our king, O God! The day we call on you, give us your answer!
The Battle Is The Lords
The Savior is Who mom’s serve and He is an unstoppable force of good for them. Moms serve the Savior with their faces lifted up, their souls wholly-holy His, their minds set apart for His Word and their spirits in daily conversation with Him. God is a friend to all moms. They belong to Him and He works in the unseen to equip them with everything they need to serve their family and to fight the good fight of faith. The Holy Spirit is an Advocate of every single mom and will fight for her as she raises children to know, love and serve God. Every mom knows she is not alone, the battle is the Lord’s and they know a Mighty God has their back, goes before them and makes a way for them. Make sure you take the time to honor and love and encourage a mom today. Happy Mother’s Day And God Bless You Much!
Thank you for stopping into The Bridegroom’s Café today. The Smorgasbord Table has very special menu’s that are fun for holidays. Today’s meal has some really good spices and was prepared especially for moms. Enjoy! Happy Mother’s Day! Gift your special mom with a copy of The Bridegroom’s Voice, the gift that keeps speaking and encouraging with God’s Voice of love.
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