Tag: deeply rooted

Deeply Rooted

In the same way you received Jesus our Lord and Messiah by faith, continue your journey of faith, progressing further into your union with him! 7 Your spiritual roots go deeply into his life as you are continually infused with strength, encouraged in every way. For you are established in the faith you have absorbed […]

Anchored Forever

Providential Care Anchors Us We see it every day, but do we really notice? The maintenance of our God, the excellence of His care. Seeds planted, plants growing, plants flowering and then flowers producing fruit and vegetable. God’s provision, it is everywhere we look.  The air we breathe, the plants growing daily. We see God’s Providential […]

Hope’s Anthem

Even youths shall faint and be weary, and selected young men shall feebly stumble and fall exhausted; But those who wait for the Lord, who expect, look for, and hope in Him shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up close to God as eagles mount up […]