Tag: destruction

Missionary Prayer Journey -6

Life Happens Sweet Missionaries, on mission with Jesus, joy happens, and disappointment happens. They both weave their way through our on-mission life into the situations we encounter with, our world, different cultures, unique people and the choices that human beings make with their free will. We share the most transformational, miraculous message this world will […]

Jesus Prays

“Our World Is Not Operating In The Way God Intended, Therefore There Is Sin And Suffering.” Quote By ~ Paul Tripp Psalm 36: 1-4 The rebellion of sin speaks as an oracle of God, speaking deeply to the conscience of wicked men. Yet they are still eager to sin, for the fear of God is […]


God on Our Side~ God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you. 2 So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when […]

Choose Worship

Lord, just singing about you makes me strong! So, I’ll keep shouting for joy to Jacob’s God, my champion. Let the celebration begin! I will sing with drum accompaniment and with the sweet sound of the harp and guitar strumming. Go ahead! Blow the jubilee trumpet to begin the feast! Blow it before every joyous […]

Restore Civility

Lord Jesus, We Pray, Asking You To Restore Reverence, Respect, Responsibility, Righteousness To Our Riotous Human Condition. Again, my loved ones, do not seek revenge; instead, allow God’s wrath to make sure justice is served. Turn it over to Him. For the Scriptures say, “Revenge is Mine. I will settle all scores. Romans 12:19 The […]