2019 is an ODD year, but we serve a God who is even, steady, consistent and faithful.
2019 is an ODD year, but we serve a God who is even, steady, consistent and faithful.
Pray It UP President Donald Trump and wife Melania Trump; Children: Ivanka, Donald Trump Jr., Tiffany, Eric, Barron; Vice President Mike Pence and wife Karen Pence; Children: Michael, Charlotte, Audrey “Step out of the traffic! Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.” Jacob-wrestling God fights for us, God-of-Angel-Armies […]
Amidst A Cultural War We encounter so many things in our culture, every single day, which completely blow our minds as we try to wrap our mind around the decline of national civility and the increase of human depravity. It seems as if our culture is at war with God: His way, His truth and […]
Even The Demons Recognize Who Their Lord And Judge Is. Matthew 8:28-29 God Is Correcting This Adult Generation “We Are Just Kids”. I heard that out of an anguished teenager yesterday. He was on national television asking for accountability, responsibility from our adult generation. He had been through a horrific school shooting where many of […]
Psalm 139:23-24 Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am. Put me to the test and watch how I handle the strain. Examine me to see if there is an evil bone in me, and guide me down Your path forever. The Voice Sitting at DMV because […]
Matthew 2:2-12 Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the reign of King Herod. About that time some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem, asking, 2 “Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star as it rose, and we have come to worship him.” 3 King Herod was […]
Women Amazing In God Design Women are such amazing creations. God outdid Himself when He designed the female out of the rib of the male. Women were uniquely shaped by God with many great purposes, attributes and characteristics that make us very special. Have the lines of womanhood been blurred in this generation by a […]
Isaiah 43: 18-19 Eternal One: Don’t revel only in the past, or spend all your time recounting the victories of days gone by. Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where […]
“Endurance Is Not Just The Ability To Bear A Hard Thing, But To Turn It Into Glory.” Quote By~William Barclay Hurt? Fully Face Jesus When someone hurts you in that awful way that breaks your heart into pieces, it is as if you feel like you can’t breathe, you can’t take another breath, your soul […]
My flesh and my heart may grow weak, but God always protects my heart and gives me stability. Psalm 73:26 New English Translation “Do you view afflictions, trials, and sufferings as things to be avoided, or as the greatest opportunities to project the fragrance of a transformed life.” Quote By~John Blanchard Grow Through The Difficulty […]
Love Is An Unconditional Commitment To An Imperfect Person. Quote By: Selwyn Hughes Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. A Special Message From The Author, KimberlyMac April 12th is a […]
“The unmerited, spontaneous goodness of God is back of all and underneath all His Acts.” A.W. Tozer Thankful For: God’s Spontaneous Gestures I am so grateful for the spontaneous gestures of our AWE-GOD! He is amazing! I love and am so grateful for His mysterious ways. I am very, very thankful that His Kingdom Purposes […]
Today Is The Day This Is The Day God Has Made For Me, I Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It! Preparation – Endurance -Honor I will praise the Eternal in every moment through every situation. Whenever I speak, my words will always praise Him. Psalm 34:1 The Voice A Constant Conversation With God I […]
I admit how broken I am in body and spirit, but God is my strength, and He will be mine forever. Psalm 73:26 All We Ever Need No matter what You are growing through, whatever burdens of the heart that weigh down your soul, Jesus is Your Savior and the lifter of your head. God’s […]