Tag: Way-Maker

Love You

So Abraham waited patiently in faith and succeeded in seeing the promise fulfilled. It is very common for people to swear an oath by something greater than themselves, for the oath will confirm their statements and end all dispute. So in the same way, God wanted to end all doubt and confirm it even more […]

Believe God

“The Bride asks Jesus, The Bridegroom “I know I have not completely trusted You in my all and everything. It is not that I doubt you, but sometimes I don’t understand Your ways and I question them. There are many times when I feel abandoned and very alone. Today, I feel like a withered rose […]

Selah – 1

I love that in the personal devotion book, The Bridegroom’s Voice, you will walk and listen up for four weeks with God, learning and growing in His Word. And then on the 5th week, you will have a “Selah” where you look back with “heavenly hindsight” at what you have learned and how you can […]


God on Our Side~ God, you’re such a safe and powerful place to find refuge! You’re a proven help in time of trouble— more than enough and always available whenever I need you. 2 So we will never fear even if every structure of support were to crumble away. We will not fear even when […]


If our identity is in our work, rather than Christ, success will go to our heads, and failure will go to our hearts. Timothy Keller Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I shall live; do not let my hopes be dashed. Uphold me, and I shall be delivered; I shall always have […]

CCWG 1-8

The sweetest thing about this life is a vital-vertical relationship with God. Heart to heart in relationship with God is what we were made for. So, when we connect with God, when we are listening to Him talk every single day, hearing His heart, this is precious relationship. God speaks in so many different ways. […]


Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Anointed, the Liberating King, God’s own Son who we have heard is coming into the world. The Voice John 11:27 God’s Servant Warriors Are Unshakeable We Believe In Jesus Christ, We Believe Jesus Christ. We don’t react out of our flesh; we respond out of our followship […]


Psalm 33:20-22 The Lord alone is our radiant hope and we trust in him with all our hearts. His wrap-around presence will strengthen us. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy flowing from Yahweh! Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon you! “Be Careful […]


John 3:30 He must increase and I must decrease “The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven’t yet come to the end of themselves. We’re still trying to give orders, and interfering with God’s work within us.” A.W. Tozer Sick Of Yourself? Where are you? […]

Futile Thinking

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God. As it says in the book of Job, God uses man’s own brilliance to trap him; he stumbles over his own “wisdom” and falls. And again, in the book of Psalms, we are told that the Lord knows full well how the human mind reasons […]


Today Is The Day This Is The Day God Has Made For Me, I Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It! Preparation – Endurance -Honor A Constant Conversation With God I enjoy a constant conversation with God every day. There are no compartments of my life that He is not in, that He is not […]

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