Tag: why

Flip It

Created-Saved To Serve There are so many things in our culture that will influence our behavior if we don’t guard our hearts and stay in a vital-vertical relationship with Jesus. We need to be intentionally kingdom cultured by His Word, and listen up for the Navigation of His Holy Spirit. God knows exactly what we […]


A New Reality Isolated! So, people, here we are. Not in the middle of a new normal, no, this is a “new reality”! (For short in this blog post, I will call the Corona Virus, CV) In light of this CV crisis, we find ourselves quickly confronted with all things about our human condition, the […]


Excerpts From The Bridegroom’s Voice “The Bridegroom’s Voice is a weekly journey with Jesus. He speaks to His Bride about many things that are on His Heart, a few of them I have excerpted below for you to read. He also shares His Word with you, His powerful living truth about the subject He is […]