COME! This was the word God impressed on my heart. COME and Soul Synchronize with God. Every life season has its challenges. No matter what our age is, we are growing through from life season to life season. The choice of growth is either with God or independent of God. This varies from person to person. Where are we in the scale of 1 to 10 in our ability to COME to God, to yield, to surrender our rights, and lean into His Sovereign Sway? How is our vital-vertical relationship with Him? How much do we revere, respect and honor the Sovereignty of God and His way, truth and life? Think On It! Do we COME to God first, as our foremost relationship? So, where are we on the scale of 1-10? 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest. Do we C.O.M.E. and how can we move that number upward, so we are becoming wholly-holy-His, heart to heart with our God?
C.O.M.E. Do you want to take this God Adventure with me? If so, leave a number in the comment section of where you are from 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest on the scale of how much you C.O.M.E. to God. And let’s grow through together, in relationship with Christ, and each other. Let’s do life with Jesus and each other. When you come to The Bridegroom’s Café, I will be posting a COME post here, this specific spiritual meal served right here, on the Soul Synchronize Table. Subscribe to The Bridegroom’s Cafe with your email address, to make sure you don’t miss one of these spiritual meals. We hope to be finding that heart to heart connection with God, where we are making it personal with Him, together, synchronizing our soul with Him, Heart To Heart.

CELEBRATE OUR MIRACULOUS ENTANGLEMENT as you COME to Jesus with a heart of worship, getting to know Him, personally, as ours, and we as wholly-holy-His. Knowing Him, the miraculous edginess of His famous and trendy God character. Knowing the Tender Warrior, Jesus, with the paradox nature of abundant love, and a steady discipline that requires obedience. Come and change it up, knowing the fierce love of our Father God, a force of Justice, and holiness with a purity of righteousness that demands reverence and awe. Knowing the Holy Spirit of God, our Advocate, with us and for us, Who navigates us with a Kingdom Perspective, kind gentleness like a dove, and intuitive wisdom like a serpent.

COME AND MAKE IT PERSONAL WITH GOD. We are in a purposeful advancement of the entanglement of our lives, heart to heart, with our Awe God, learning to COME to Him in the all of our everything. Every day is a Great God Adventure to COME, to Celebrate Our Miraculous Entanglement with Almighty God. As we are navigated by the Advocacy of God’s Holy Spirit, in relationship with our Savior, Jesus, we hope to be wholly-holy Gods, all in with Him from every moment into every choice we make. We C.elebrate O.ur M.iraculous E.ntanglement with God.

SOUL SYNCHRONIZE, Heart To Heart with our God. As we COME to Him, we will be journaling our God Adventures as He miraculously speaks, and we are entangled with His Living Word, celebrating our vital-vertical relationship with Him. How sweet it will be, as we together share our God Adventures from our personal journals with each other in the comment section of each C.O.M.E. post, which will be from my personal God Adventure Journal with Jesus. Here we go… ready for this Great God Adventure? I am! God bless you Much! COME!

Hoping Huge!
Encouraging Always!
Loving Much!
Destiny Lived!
Psalm 62: 5-6
My soul, wait only upon God and silently submit to Him; for my hope and expectation are from Him. 6 He only is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Defense and my Fortress, I shall not be moved.

COME Posts For You To Soul Synchronize With God