In times such as these, it is a good thing to be in followship of God, obeying what He wants. He has asked me to take a “Time Out” from all social media. I am not sure for how long or what, but I will be listening up to God, keeping a journal during this time of no distraction and posting here at my site. So if you are subscribed to my site, you will receive what God speaks to me. God bless you. Time Out!
Category: Servant Warriors
Stand Down
Then God said, “Let Us make man like Us and let him be head over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over everything that moves on the ground.” 27 And God made man in His own likeness. In the […]
Be in awe before His majesty. Be in awe before such power and might! Come worship wonderful Yahweh, arrayed in all His splendor, bowing in worship as He appears in the beauty of holiness. Give Him the honor due His name. Worship Him wearing the glory-garments of your holy, priestly calling! Psalm 29:11 “In The […]
As a human being, with a human condition, it can be dangerous to navigate disappointment on our own, without God’s intervention.
Shine! This Christmas, let your attitudes reflect Jesus, our Mightiest-Meekest Savior.
If you want to encourage someone stuck in the darkness of depression, this is a good link to give them.
You are headed for trouble! You say wrong is right, darkness is light, and bitter is sweet. You think you are clever and smart. And you are great at drinking and mixing drinks. But you are in for trouble. You accept bribes to let the guilty go free, and you cheat the innocent out of […]
Impulsive Waiting is not something we can do in our human condition without God’s direction, the help of His Holy Spirit. We are impatient people who lean into impulsive behavior traits that cause us more trouble than we could ever imagine. Patiently Endure A surfer is someone we can take some godly wisdom from. They […]
“Living responsibly does not have an endgame, having moral boundaries never stops and being accountable to God is a continuous life-style. We are constantly being watched by the next generation, our responsibility never ends and this is called adulting, this keeping of godly values and boundaries and adding value to the next generation.” KimberlyMac Are […]
Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Anointed, the Liberating King, God’s own Son who we have heard is coming into the world. The Voice John 11:27 God’s Servant Warriors Are Unshakeable We Believe In Jesus Christ, We Believe Jesus Christ. We don’t react out of our flesh; we respond out of our followship […]
When we sail without God, we will capsize. BUT GOD in His loving kindness will send Jesus, Who is the “righting” of our keel.
Walk Away
Walk Away From Your Idols, Turn And Fully Face God. Position Your Identity Wholy-Holy In Him.
You are not who “they” say you are. You are Who GOD says you are. Confess It. Believe It. Bloom In It.
Be Strengthened. Be Encouraged. Be Found In Christ And His Living Word.
Dangerous Times
Pray It UP For President Trump And His Administration