Tag: heart to heart

Firm Faith

What delight comes to the one who follows God’s ways! He won’t walk in step with the wicked, nor share the sinner’s way, nor be found sitting in the scorner’s seat. 2 His pleasure and passion is remaining true to the Word of “I Am,” meditating day and night in the true revelation of light. […]

CCWG 1-8

The sweetest thing about this life is a vital-vertical relationship with God. Heart to heart in relationship with God is what we were made for. So, when we connect with God, when we are listening to Him talk every single day, hearing His heart, this is precious relationship. God speaks in so many different ways. […]


Psalm 33:20-22 The Lord alone is our radiant hope and we trust in him with all our hearts. His wrap-around presence will strengthen us. As we trust, we rejoice with an uncontained joy flowing from Yahweh! Let your love and steadfast kindness overshadow us continually, for we trust and we wait upon you! “Be Careful […]

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