Tag: Infinite

God’s Not Done

I Never Imagined… We have so many grandiose expectations for how we “think” our life should turn out. When you look at your life right where you are right now, does it look like anything you thought it would look like? I know mine doesn’t, there are things in my life I never imagined I […]

The Great Debate

Even if a king had the best-equipped army, it would never be enough to save him. Even if the best warrior went to battle, he could not be saved simply by his strength alone. Human strength and the weapons of man are false hopes for victory; they may seem mighty, but they will always disappoint. […]


As a prisoner of the Lord, I plead with you to walk holy, in a way that is suitable to your high rank, given to you in your divine calling. With tender humility and quiet patience, always demonstrate gentleness and generous love toward one another, especially toward those who may try your patience. Be faithful […]

Love You

So Abraham waited patiently in faith and succeeded in seeing the promise fulfilled. It is very common for people to swear an oath by something greater than themselves, for the oath will confirm their statements and end all dispute. So in the same way, God wanted to end all doubt and confirm it even more […]

Not Distracted

God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in his thick clouds, and the clouds don’t burst with the weight. He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with his clouds. He created the horizon when he separated the waters; he set the boundary […]

James 5:16

Confess and acknowledge how you have offended one another and then pray for one another to be instantly healed, for tremendous power is released through the passionate, heartfelt prayer of a godly believer! James 5:16 TPT “Looking back over the years, I’ve never faced a crisis in which, in response to earnest prayer, whether prolonged […]

Age Gaps

Dear friends, I’ve dropped everything to write you about this life of salvation that we have in common. I have to write insisting—begging!—that you fight with everything you have in you for this faith entrusted to us as a gift to guard and cherish. Jude 1:3-4 Message Fight The Good Fight Of Faith This is […]


John the Baptist: Look! This man is more than He seems! He is the Lamb sent from God, the sacrifice to erase the sins of the world! 30 He is the One I have been saying will come after me, who existed long before me and is much greater than I am. John 1:29-30 Jesus […]

National Prayer

Finitely Flesh Out~Infinitely Truth In Here I am Lord, Your humble intercessor. I am answering Your call for a week of prayer for our nation. It begins with me fleshing out and fully surrendering my heart, will, mind, soul and spirit to You. Praying fearlessly, without doubt, worryless, and secure in You. I am obedient […]

Think Up

Psalm 139:23-24 Explore me, O God, and know the real me. Dig deeply and discover who I am. Put me to the test and watch how I handle the strain. Examine me to see if there is an evil bone in me, and guide me down Your path forever. The Voice Sitting at DMV because […]

The Bridge

Jesus Is The Bridge You Had Absolutely No Connection To The Anointed; you were strangers, separated from God’s people. You were aliens to the covenant they had with God; you were hopelessly stranded without God in a fractured world. But now, because of Jesus the Anointed and His sacrifice, all of that has changed. God […]

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