Expectations get dashed and disappointment sets winter in our soul. But Jesus, He changes things up with His Truth and spring comes.
Expectations get dashed and disappointment sets winter in our soul. But Jesus, He changes things up with His Truth and spring comes.
When we sail without God, we will capsize. BUT GOD in His loving kindness will send Jesus, Who is the “righting” of our keel.
Do You Have A Stormy Life Season?
Move Your Body ~ Exercise
Move Your Soul ~ In Followship Of God! Just Do It!
Change It Up to a make it personal relationship with Jesus. Listen up to The Bridegroom’s Voice.
“He who has the bride is the Bridegroom; but the groomsman who stands by and listens to Him rejoices greatly and heartily on account of the Bridegroom’s Voice. This then is my pleasure and joy, and it is now completely. He must increase, but I must decrease.” John 3:29-30 Amplified Bible Hello, My name is […]
Psalm 127:3-5 Children are God’s love-gift; they are heaven’s generous reward. Children born to a young couple will one day rise to protect and provide for their parents. Happy will be the couple who has many of them! A household full of children will not bring shame on your name but victory when you face […]
“It is not so true that “prayer changes things” as that prayer changes me and I change things. God has so constituted things that prayer on the basis of Redemption alters the way in which a man looks at things. Prayer is not a question of altering things externally, but of working wonders in a […]
1 Timothy 6:15-16 Yes, God will make his appearing in his own divine timing, for he is the exalted God, the only powerful One, the King over every king, and the Lord of power! He alone is the immortal God, living in the unapproachable light of divine glory! No one has ever seen his fullness, […]
Today is a new day and on this day, we give Jesus total access to our minds, not allowing our enemy to steal the peace and rest of our souls. At the very beginning of anything new, especially a new week, a new day, our enemy wants to fill our thoughts with all things false. […]
Amidst A Cultural War We encounter so many things in our culture, every single day, which completely blow our minds as we try to wrap our mind around the decline of national civility and the increase of human depravity. It seems as if our culture is at war with God: His way, His truth and […]
I am living in pain; I’m suffering, so save me, True God, and keep me safe in troubled times! Psalm 69:29 The Voice Jesus: Why are you sleeping? Wake up and pray that you will not sink into temptation. Even as He said these words, the sound of a crowd could be heard in the […]
1 Corinthians 1:27 But celebrate this: God selected the world’s foolish to bring shame upon those who think they are wise; likewise, He selected the world’s weak to bring disgrace upon those who think they are strong. The Voice We Are A Human Mess! We are a mess aren’t we? Our wondrous human condition. I […]
Roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that’s coming when Jesus arrives. Don’t lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn’t know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into […]