Tag: Let God Work

God’s Not Done

I Never Imagined… We have so many grandiose expectations for how we “think” our life should turn out. When you look at your life right where you are right now, does it look like anything you thought it would look like? I know mine doesn’t, there are things in my life I never imagined I […]

In The Moment

I Hope You Have A Good Day I find myself using this saying: “I hope you have a good day”! I use it as a closing good bye to people after I have talked with them, I usually close  our conversation with that statement of kindness. Thinking about it today, I wonder what really constitutes, […]

Let God Work

Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For he brings both ruin and revival . He’s the one who makes conflicts end throughout the earth, breaking and burning every weapon of war. Everyone look! Come and see the breathtaking wonders of our God. For he brings both ruin and revival. He’s […]