Tag: salvation

Selah – 1

I love that in the personal devotion book, The Bridegroom’s Voice, you will walk and listen up for four weeks with God, learning and growing in His Word. And then on the 5th week, you will have a “Selah” where you look back with “heavenly hindsight” at what you have learned and how you can […]

True Supremacy

Good Morning Good Manna~ Nourish Your Soul 1 Corinthians 1:17-21 For the Anointed One has sent me on a mission, not to see how many I could baptize, but to proclaim the good news. And I declare this message stripped of all philosophical arguments that empty the cross of its true power. For I trust […]


God has already saved us and called us to this holy calling—not because of any good works we may have done, but because of His own intention and because eons and eons ago (before time itself existed), He gave us this grace in Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. 2 Timothy 1:9 The Voice Jesus […]

Stay And Wait

The Mighty God, the Eternal—God of past, present, and future— has spoken over the world, calling together all things from sunrise to sunset. From Zion, that perfectly beautiful holy place, shines the radiance of God. The Voice Psalm 50:1 1 John 1:5-7 What we are telling you now is the very message we heard from […]

1st Choice

Genesis 35: 1-3 God who appeared to you when you ran away from your brother, Esau. Jacob told his household and those with him to get ready to move. Jacob: Get rid of any foreign gods you have in your possession. Purify yourselves: bathe and change your clothes. Then come with me. We’re going to […]

In Your Arms

“Hallowed by Your name, Lord. Do whatever it takes to be holy in my life. Take your rightful place on the throne. Exalt yourself. Magnify yourself. Glorify yourself. You be Lord, and I’ll be quiet.” Author~ Max Lucado Psalm 116:1-2 I love the Eternal; for not only does He hear my voice, my pleas for […]

Choice To Love

Colossians 3:12-13 So, as God’s own chosen people, who are holy, set apart, sanctified for His purpose and well-beloved by God Himself, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper; bearing graciously with one another, and willingly forgiving […]

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