Tag: theory

Stupid Is

‘Why don’t you understand what I say? You don’t understand because your hearts are closed to my message! But I am the true Prince who speaks nothing but the truth, yet you refuse to believe and you want nothing to do with me. ‘ You are the offspring of your father, the devil, (8:44 The […]

Sunday Glean 8-5-18

“God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race.” Dr Martin Luther King Miraculous Musing: Glean From The Thoughts Of God I listened to a message from Pastor Greg Suratt at Seacoast Church on Sunday, August 5th, 2018. It is from a teaching series called “Where Is The Love”. This message was entitled: […]

Change It Up

Even The Demons Recognize Who Their Lord And Judge Is. Matthew 8:28-29 God Is Correcting This Adult Generation “We Are Just Kids”. I heard that out of an anguished teenager yesterday. He was on national television asking for accountability, responsibility from our adult generation. He had been through a horrific school shooting where many of […]

Narrow Way

“We have had it pretty easy, but times are changing. We can’t run from the conflict, we can run to God, He is in the midst of it.” KimberlyMac Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. The […]


Poo-Poo-Politics ~ Lawlessness The Poo-Poo-Politics of our last decade of lawlessness, has increased incivility and exchanged what is wrong to right and right to wrong. These corrupted leaders have created such a stank in the leadership of our country from the Justice Department to the Judicial Courts and all throughout our national leadership. Lies have […]