Tag: worship

Choose Worship

Lord, just singing about you makes me strong! So, I’ll keep shouting for joy to Jacob’s God, my champion. Let the celebration begin! I will sing with drum accompaniment and with the sweet sound of the harp and guitar strumming. Go ahead! Blow the jubilee trumpet to begin the feast! Blow it before every joyous […]


Do you need a strong inner spiritual core? YES! Definitely needed in times such as these? Do you want a strong inner spiritual core? YES! Then feed your soul, nourish your soul with God’s Thoughts. Listen Up. Focus Up. Think Up. Live Up.


A Smorgasbord Of Delight I love reading a lot of different books by Christian authors. It is a great way to learn so much great godly wisdom. I meet with God every single day and I ask the Holy Spirit to “teach me”. I like being taught by God. A lot of times, the Holy […]


“First, The Holy Spirit is God’s divine channel for releasing His power on the earth. Second, when God’s power is released into any situation, no power on earth can stand against it. Third, as we depend upon the Holy Spirit, we will discover that God’s power is available to us in every situation. God never […]


God often sends us trials that our graces may be discovered, and that we may be certified of their existence. Besides, it is not merely discovery, real growth in grace is the result of sanctified trials. God often takes away our comforts and our privileges in order to make us better Christians. Charles Spurgeon So […]


God has already saved us and called us to this holy calling—not because of any good works we may have done, but because of His own intention and because eons and eons ago (before time itself existed), He gave us this grace in Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King. 2 Timothy 1:9 The Voice Jesus […]


John 6:29 Jesus told them, “This is the only work God wants from you: Believe in the one He has sent.” NLT Fully Face God Belief is what God asks of us, desires of us. Belief in Jesus Christ and the power He has to change things up, beginning with our hearts. God wants a personal […]


Today Is The Day This Is The Day God Has Made For Me, I Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It! Preparation – Endurance -Honor Psalm 85:11 Truth will spring from the earth like a plant, and justice will look down from the sky. A Constant Conversation With God I enjoy a constant conversation with […]


Today Is The Day This Is The Day God Has Made For Me, I Will Rejoice And Be Glad In It! Preparation – Endurance -Honor A Constant Conversation With God I enjoy a constant conversation with God every day. There are no compartments of my life that He is not in, that He is not […]

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