Tag: 1 Minute Encouragement VIdeo

Love You

So Abraham waited patiently in faith and succeeded in seeing the promise fulfilled. It is very common for people to swear an oath by something greater than themselves, for the oath will confirm their statements and end all dispute. So in the same way, God wanted to end all doubt and confirm it even more […]


“We all are challenged, we all are facing life storms, we all have situations way beyond our means to fix. BUT God! He is in the challenge, He is in the life storm, He is with us, our FIXER, Savior and Lord. With us and for us. Awe God.” KimberlyMac  So please don’t lose heart […]


“We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May your unfailing love  be with us, Lord, even as we put our hope in You.” Psalm 33:20 Jesus, even at the mention of His name, peace floods our soul. I hope […]


We call (pray for) every lie to be revealed and every lie holding us captive to be destroyed by the blood of Jesus. Ephesians 1:19-23 and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe. These are in accordance […]


A Great Choice Thankfulness! It is still a great choice to be Awe-God Grateful, giving thanks for Who God is, not depending on own strength, but being enveloped in His, leaning into His understanding and swaying with the Sovereign wind of His Holy Spirit flowing into our heart, soul, mind, will and spirit. Yes, it […]

Wave Maker

“Once The Call Of God Comes To You, Start Going And Never Stop.” Oswald Chambers Waves Crashing On The Shores Of Our Nations I feel like the waves of cultural chaos are crashing into our family life, our communities, our states and our nations. What can we do? What if the Wave-Maker is God? Interesting […]

Seriously So

If with heart and soul you’re doing good, do you think you can be stopped? Even if you suffer for it, you’re still better off. Don’t give the opposition a second thought. Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone […]

Not Distracted

God stretches the northern sky over empty space and hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps the rain in his thick clouds, and the clouds don’t burst with the weight. He covers the face of the moon, shrouding it with his clouds. He created the horizon when he separated the waters; he set the boundary […]

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