Tag: hopelessness

Spirit Lead Me

Surrender your anxiety. Be still and realize that I am God. I am God above all the nations, and I am exalted throughout the whole earth. Psalms 46:10 Jesus, this is my worship, this is my offering. I withhold nothing from You, Jesus, I trust You. I believe You have what is best for me […]

Yet I Know

Sometimes by the Mid-Day hour there are those days, in the midst of sorrowful, soul gutting times, that we feel we can’t make it through the day. Psalm 22 has the wisdom that says the opposite, that not only can we make it through, but we can make it through finishing well. Let’s take a […]

Gloomy Gus

  Be cheerful with joyous celebration in every season of life. Let your joy overflow! And let gentleness be seen in every relationship, for our Lord is ever near. Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing […]

Beautiful Things

“God spoke, and an explosion of light appeared that still races through the darkness! Darkness heard his command and bowed. And that word still proceeds out of the mouth of God today. In fact, everything he speaks accomplishes his purpose. Darkness continues to submit to light.” Quote By Simmons and Rodriquez(First Fruits) “I have given them […]

Upward Focus

Dealing With The Darkness Of Our Time Darker and darker the human condition is on a downward spiral. Deceit, lawlessness, hate, anger all accompany the illegitimate grab of power. These times do stretch our faith, they are dark times and the state of humanity is not good, yet we are never without Jesus, The Light […]

Salvation Is Here

We Will Never Be Alone Hey precious Bridegroom Café readers. I hope your day is going well!  Today, I listened to the song “Salvation Is Here” an amazing song, filled with truth and was reminded God is here, with us and for us and we are going to be alright. It really fed and nourished my […]

A Sliver Of Light

Our Soul Shivers In This Present Darkness Darkness comes in like a flood, it makes our soul shiver, but God’s sliver of light, enlightens our darkness with hope.  We can hope in the dark as deceit surrounds us on all sides causing despair to rise in our heart because as we open our heart wide to […]

Not For A Moment

The Lord thundered and our enemies have been cut off, vanished in everlasting ruins. All their cities have been destroyed— even the memory of them has been erased. But Yahweh, our mighty God , reigns forever! He sits enthroned as King ready to render his verdicts and judge all with righteousness. He will issue his […]

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