Tag: human race

More And Most

“In the last days there will always be mockers, motivated by their own ungodly desires.” These people cause divisions and are followers of their own natural instincts, devoid of the life of the Spirit. But you, my delightfully loved friends, constantly and progressively build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith by […]

Yield To God

Challenged By Cultural Chaos? I am sure, without a doubt that there are many of us who feel very challenged right now. Our national cultures are all in a state of flux and things we have known our whole lives as being wrong are lifted up as being right, there is only justice for those […]

Clarity In Christ

Is Clarity A Rarity? Deception creates a maze of crooked paths and it can be so confusing when we are trying to find our way through all the cultural say so. It can be downright dangerous for us! In times such as these, our cultural chaos is wild with deception, lies are spewed everywhere, and […]


Because you have kept the word of My endurance [My command to persevere], I will keep you [safe] from the hour of trial, that hour which is about to come on the whole [inhabited] world, to test those who live on the earth. I am coming quickly. Hold tight what you have, so that no […]

Missionary Prayer Journey -6

Life Happens Sweet Missionaries, on mission with Jesus, joy happens, and disappointment happens. They both weave their way through our on-mission life into the situations we encounter with, our world, different cultures, unique people and the choices that human beings make with their free will. We share the most transformational, miraculous message this world will […]

Christ In Me

Success Is A Slippery Slope In our human condition, we get obsessed with so many things, trying to “feel” good enough, be accomplished and successful. When, truly, chasing our feelings, is not a good choice, only if you like dead ends! Yes, and a second truly is this fact, that our only success, comes from […]

Truth Be Told

At The Bridegroom’s Café today, we are highlighting this song in our worship spotlight, because God has anointed it to speak to us that the truth be told, we are not fine, without Him, we are not fine and we need to repent of our dependence on flesh, on finite that fails us and return […]