Tag: Love God

Love You

So Abraham waited patiently in faith and succeeded in seeing the promise fulfilled. It is very common for people to swear an oath by something greater than themselves, for the oath will confirm their statements and end all dispute. So in the same way, God wanted to end all doubt and confirm it even more […]

Clarity In Christ

Is Clarity A Rarity? Deception creates a maze of crooked paths and it can be so confusing when we are trying to find our way through all the cultural say so. It can be downright dangerous for us! In times such as these, our cultural chaos is wild with deception, lies are spewed everywhere, and […]

Seriously So

If with heart and soul you’re doing good, do you think you can be stopped? Even if you suffer for it, you’re still better off. Don’t give the opposition a second thought. Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone […]


The “Exclusivity” Of Our Comfort Zone Sometimes we don’t really realize the Christ we have in us, until we have drifted from Him, because we have lived life so exclusively, in our comfort zone. It is hurtful when we realize we may have lost the opportunity to create a “living legacy”, because our lives were […]

Turn The Tide

Turn The Tide ~ Get Back To The Basics Get Back To The Basics! Love God. Love Others. Kindness. Compassion. Mercy. Forgiveness. Basically, We were created in God’s Image, for God, for each other. We were created to love God well and love each other well. Basically, we need God, we need each other. 🙏 Restore a right […]

Selah – 1

I love that in the personal devotion book, The Bridegroom’s Voice, you will walk and listen up for four weeks with God, learning and growing in His Word. And then on the 5th week, you will have a “Selah” where you look back with “heavenly hindsight” at what you have learned and how you can […]

Family Unity

Isaiah 11:2-4 And on this child from David’s line, the Spirit of the Eternal One will alight and rest. By the Spirit of wisdom and discernment He will shine like the dew. By the Spirit of counsel and strength He will judge fairly and act courageously. By the Spirit of knowledge and reverence of the […]

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