Tag: selfish

A Generous Heart

Giving During Hard Economic Times These are really hard times to be a giver. Kind of stretches your faith, doesn’t it?? It was easy to give when the economy was great and there was abundance, but now, there isn’t much left between the rising inflation and the prices everywhere that has gone up… and I […]

Family Prayer-3

He Who Plants Kindness Gathers Love. Quote By — St. Basil Family Prayer For Kindness Kindness. Precious grandkids and all my kids who are very grown up and hate it when I refer to them as kids. But, it is a term of endearment, not a condescending thing, but a kind, love pat of the […]


F.aithful A.vailable T.eachable Jesus was so generous with His life, He invested everything in us. Jesus gave His time, talent and treasure to us, He poured Himself out for us. Our lives should reflect this kind of generosity. Living generously is such a blessing, as Jesus pours in, we pour out. This is living F.A.T. […]


When they arrived in Bethlehem, Mary went into labor, and there she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped the newborn baby in strips of cloth, and Mary and Joseph laid him in a feeding trough since there was no available space in any upper room in the village. When they arrived in Bethlehem, […]

Unbreakable Marriage

Love Is An Unconditional Commitment To An Imperfect Person. Quote By: Selwyn Hughes Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. A Special Message From The Author, KimberlyMac April 12th is a […]