Tag: worldly viewpoint


“Father God, You are Love! All that flows from You is founded in love. All the plans and promises are rooted in love. We too must work through the lens of love, casting out all fear by surrendering to You. Love takes us beyond ourselves and into the place of serenity. We value our relationship […]


Stumble? When it comes to our worldly view-point, do we tend to react to here and now and not respond to God, not stretch our earthly tent pegs into a Kingdom Perspective? KimberlyMac Jesus Is Anointed for His Death and Burial Now Jesus was in Bethany, in the home of Simon, a man Jesus had […]

Can Do

“For My people have done two sinful things: They have turned away from Me, the well of living waters. And they have cut out of the rock wells for water for themselves. They are broken wells that cannot hold water.” Jeremiah 2:13 New Life Version Simply-Significantly Purposeful I have found that God uses the simplest […]


1 Corinthians 13:12 For now, we can only see a dim and blurry picture of things, as when we stare into polished metal. I realize that everything I know is only part of the big picture. But one day, when Jesus arrives, we will see clearly, face-to-face. In that day, I will fully know just […]


God often sends us trials that our graces may be discovered, and that we may be certified of their existence. Besides, it is not merely discovery, real growth in grace is the result of sanctified trials. God often takes away our comforts and our privileges in order to make us better Christians. Charles Spurgeon So […]


Take Courage, It Is I. Don’t Be Afraid Disciple: It’s a ghost! Another Disciple: A ghost? What will we do? Jesus: Be still. It is I. You have nothing to fear. Peter: Lord, if it is really You, then command me to meet You on the water. Jesus: Indeed, come. Peter stepped out of the […]

Thwart Evil

Family Prayer Psalm 146:9 The LORD protects the strangers; He supports the fatherless and the widow, But He thwarts the way of the wicked. Pray Up God’s Promises For Your Family This is the God Promise I stand on for my children and grandchildren. There is so much evil scheming in this world, but there […]

Always Chased

Psalm 21:2 You have given him all he could wish for. After hearing his prayer, You withheld nothing. My Thoughts Such an amazing word: always. It is such an incredible God Promise. Always, God is with us. He never leaves us in that Omnipresent way of His. On this day, there is no doubt about […]


John the Baptist: Look! This man is more than He seems! He is the Lamb sent from God, the sacrifice to erase the sins of the world! 30 He is the One I have been saying will come after me, who existed long before me and is much greater than I am. John 1:29-30 Jesus […]

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