Tag: flesh out

Fickle Favor

Is God’s comfort too little for you? Is his gentle word not enough? What has taken away your reason? What has weakened your vision, that you turn against God and say all these evil things?  Job 15:11-13 NLT They plotted against Jesus to kill Him because nothing worked that they tried to do to control […]


Suddenly It is BONKERS Suddenly everything goes “bonkers” and chaos is prevalent and we make impulsive choices to try to put right side up, what has gone so wrong. Distraction of the enemy is a sudden feeling of “bonkers” and it causes an impulsive reaction, which always supersedes the right choice or the consistently choice […]

In The Moment

I Hope You Have A Good Day I find myself using this saying: “I hope you have a good day”! I use it as a closing good bye to people after I have talked with them, I usually close  our conversation with that statement of kindness. Thinking about it today, I wonder what really constitutes, […]

Go To Grow

Crazy Emotions Cure Followship is being directed by God from every moment to every choice, it is going to grow through our lives, by His way, truth and life. This is a great thing for us as human beings with crazy emotions.  Why? Well, we have some crazy emotions that stir up. Our human emotions are […]


The “Exclusivity” Of Our Comfort Zone Sometimes we don’t really realize the Christ we have in us, until we have drifted from Him, because we have lived life so exclusively, in our comfort zone. It is hurtful when we realize we may have lost the opportunity to create a “living legacy”, because our lives were […]

Will You?

“Without God, there is no virtue because there is no prompting of the conscience… without God, there is a coarsening of the society; without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.” Ronald Reagan Forever I will lift up my soul into your presence, Lord. Be there for me, God, for I keep trusting in […]

Stretch Your Faith

“Increase is coming, so enlarge your tent and add extensions to your dwelling. Hold nothing back! Make the tent ropes longer and the pegs stronger. 3 You will increase and spread out in every direction. Your sons and daughters[g] will conquer nations and revitalize desolate cities. 4 Do not fear, for your shame is no […]


The Servant’s Surrender to the Cross~ The Lord Yahweh has opened my ear, and I did not resist; I did not rebel. 6 I offered my back to those who flogged me and my cheek to those who tore out my beard. I never hid my face from demeaning insults or from those who spit […]

Still Here

“The boundaries that man sets for himself go past the boundaries that God has ordained. Everything you think, desire, and say offends God because you don’t care about God anymore. You don’t care what pleases him. You don’t care about his ownership and rulership of your life. You don’t care about his holy will and […]

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