Shine Joy

Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths. You have charged us to keep your commandments carefully. Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your decrees! Psalm 119:1-5 NLT

God’s Word ~ The All Of Your Everything

Are you letting this world and all of its mediatic false frenzy of the enemy of our soul, depress your soul? All this cultural chaos and season of deception can really weary our soul. Don’t Let It! Change it up to God’s JOY, which is exhilarating and strengthening. Truth(John 8:31-32)is the freedom our soul needs. Soak your soul in the truth of God, know God personally. From the beginning of our time, human beings, God has never left us nor forsaken us. We need to hear God’s heart; know the passion He has for us. Read Isaiah 40. The Word of God is powerful(Hebrews 4:12)in the way it points us to God, it shows us we have a future and a hope and it is not here on this side of heaven. The Living Word of God gives us the reality of truth we need to get our focus off ourselves, to what matters. No evil formed against us(Isaiah 54:17)will prosper and every Word God has spoken will have its way in us. To change it up to JOY, listen up to God’s Word, listen up to God’s Voice. God still speaks and God still can be all He said He would be.

Never Underestimate God

Got darkness all around you? Stumbling In The Dark? Are you shouting the truth and no one is hearing you? Feeling down in your soul over all of this chaotic cultural change? Depressed? Hopeless in your pursuit to stand on the side of truth? Look up! Jesus is a LIGHT of Hope that no darkness can extinguish. God’s light of TRUTH can’t be extinguished(1 John 1:4-5), He shines in you and through you. No man, no evil, nothing can put out the truth of God and His light that shatters the darkness of deceit. God is purposefully working in the unseen. We have an Advocate,(John 14:26-27)with us and completely for us. He is the Prover. Thus and Therefore, we can patiently endure these times we are growing through. God will change things up! God is never underwhelming ~ He still can ~ He still will.(Isaiah 9:2)Never underestimate God. Shake off doubt. Cling to God, dig your life roots deeply in Him. Stay in followship of God, be encouraged and hope in the dark that God will shatter the darkness of deceit with His Light. Fear Not!

Communication Chaos = Fear

Fear distorts even the simplest of communication.(2 Timothy 4:3-4) Someone with a soul drenched in fear will not even be able to handle the truth, they will take it as a personal attack when you testify with facts, they will take it directly as an affront to them, they are deceived by assumptive thinking out of their fake reality. This is what happens when people take in way too many mediatic false frenzy narratives,(Hebrews 2:1)they begin to live out of a fake reality and they have no tolerance for anything outside of their deceptive mind ruts. If thoughts run outside of a person’s fake reality, they get angry, defensive and self-righteously(1 Corinthians 8:2)they think they have been personally attacked. These are the assumptions, speculations that come out of a mind infected by false narrative and deeply engrained in fear, the bad consequence of living in a fake reality. Fake Reality is joyless and keeps the human condition in bondage, whereas the truth sets us free. 

Honorable—We show honor to everyone.
Humble —We don’t draw attention to ourselves. 
Selfless—We think of others more than we think of ourselves.
Pure—We strive to have untarnished motives.
Peace-loving—We agree to respectfully disagree. 
Gentle—We consider the feelings of others before acting.
Merciful—We give second chances because they’ve been given to us.
Impartial—We show fairness to all we encounter. 
Sincere—We are authentic, honest, and full of integrity.
By Praying Woman prayer-warrior-sa.tumblr

So why fool yourself and live under an illusion? Make no mistake about it, if anyone thinks he is wise by the world’s standards, he will be made wiser by being a fool for God 19 For what the world says is wisdom is actually foolishness in God’s eyes. As it is written: The cleverness of the know-it-alls becomes the trap that ensnares them. 20 And again: The Lord sees right through the clever reasonings of the wise and knows that it’s all a sham.21 So don’t be proud of your allegiance to any human leader. For actually, you already have everything! It has all been given for your benefit, 22 whether it is Paul or Apollos or Peter the Rock, or whether it’s the world or life or death,  or whether it’s the present or the future—everything belongs to you! 23 And now you are joined to the Messiah, who is joined to God. 1 Corinthians 3:18-23 The Passion Translation

Lay Down Your Rights To Be Right – Like Jesus Did

We try to hard to be right, that is a part of our human condition. Our pride bucks up, we want to be right, and have the last word in every disagreement. We don’t have to “be right” we just have to be righteous, that is what Jesus was as He did everything possible to make peace. He righteously laid down His right(John 15:12-17)to be right, and loved us. Jesus loved us even though we wronged Him. He loved as if He had never been hurt. If someone has emotionally spit up their anger all over you, then love like we have not been hurt. How? Check our heart motives. If we can’t love in the way Jesus loved us, we have no strength of character, our heart is joyless. If we are joyless, then we can surely chase that lack of joy back to not being pure in heart motive. The purity of righteousness, it changes up our attitudes, and actions, keeping us positioned underneath the rulership of God’s love. If we are struggling to love the unlovable, then we need to step outside of the rulership of human emotion, wholly-holy realign ourselves with God.(John 10:17-18) This is JOY. It is not about us; it is all about God. We are in uncharted waters, trying to make it into shore. We don’t know what we “think we know” to safely catch the right wave, in this time of cultural chaos. The best thing we can do is catch a ride with Jesus, ride on His board. Listen Up to this 1 Minute encouragement video and glean the wisdom in it:

Stay In Followship Of The Prover

If we have spoken the truth in love, and the reaction is argumentative and anger, then do what it takes to make peace, agree to disagree and walk away; let go and let God be the Proof-Prover, because He is the Proven. God is right and He will make a way to shatter the darkness of deceit. God can. Do we trust Him? Then stop arguing. Lay down your right to be right.  Speak the truth in love, and stop trying to prove it. We have a Prover; it is the Holy Spirit of God. Stay in followship of the Holy Spirit and stay out of arguments with other people trying to prove something that only God can. Yes, God Still Can, God Is The Proof, Jesus Is The Proven And The Holy Spirit Is The Prover. So, Let Go, Let God ~ In Wholly-Holy Trust Of Who He Is. Let Him Work, Let Him Finish What He started. 

Christ In Us ~ Our Hope Of Glory

Look up, connect to Jesus, heart to heart and open your heart wide to Him. God will fill an open heart with His amazing glory glow. On this day SHINE of God’s hope, His love, His peace, His strength, His wisdom, His truth, His possibility.(Isaiah 41:10)Go ye therefore… confident in Him that He will finish on this day what He started in us as we awakened with life and potential in Him. SHINE! Successful – Happy – Illuminating – Nourished – Empowered! Shine The Christ In Us, Our Hope Of Glory.  I Choose Jesus, and on this day, I choose followship of Him, therefore I have Shine, His JOY. Listen up to this 1 Minute Encouragement Video on how to have joy in all things.  

Welcome To The Bridegroom’s Café. We are so happy you joined us on our Smorgasbord Table. This table in the Café is a spontaneous menu, and you never truly know what spicy ingredients you will find in your spiritual meal on this table. One thing is for sure, you will walk away fully nourished in your soul by the Bridegroom’s Voice as you partake in the spiritual meals here. Please share this with others on your social media platforms, we sure appreciate that. It is good to get God’s Word, His Manna out to others. Make sure you subscribe by email to The Bridegroom’s Café, so you don’t miss one spiritual meal. God bless you MUCH, KimberlyMac

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